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Has anyone experience or idea's how to fix a problem with my bike's Autocom?


80% of me thinks I should live with the problem as I can't hear the wife when she's riding pillion :grin:, then the other 20% of me gets frustrated when I want to tell her something and there's no sound. We can listen to music/radio through the Autocom fine, but the microphones appear to have gone dead even if I talk the sound does not come through my own helmet speakers, checked lead connections in helmet and all appears good.


The problem only appears to have occurred recently and been out on the bike today for 9 hours and time to sort it, any idea's?


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I would say either the Vox is set too high or both mic's have failed.


The vox is adjusted by a knob on the unit - clockwise for higher (ie you have shout at it), anti clockwise for lower (ie the wind can set it off).


Have a twiddle and see what happens. As you've noticed, you should hear your own voice played back through the helmet's speakers (side tone).


The current Super Pro AVI's have a auto vox level system which adjusts the vox depending on the ambient noise. Do you have one of them..?

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Could be a bad mic but could easily be a bad cable. Eventually small wires will break inside the insulation, or lose contact. Swap the wifes and your cables to see if you can hear yourself side-tone). If not, find a known-good helmet cable and sub it--if you can now hear yourself (side-tone) you've found it. Could be both helmet cables have issues.

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John Bentall
Could be a bad mic but could easily be a bad cable. Eventually small wires will break inside the insulation, or lose contact. Swap the wifes and your cables to see if you can hear yourself side-tone). If not, find a known-good helmet cable and sub it--if you can now hear yourself (side-tone) you've found it. Could be both helmet cables have issues.


+1 on everything Bob said.


Start off simply one helmet connected at a time.

Can you hear hear yourself - sidetone - with your helmet plugged in to the rider lead - if not

Can you hear hear yourself with your helmet plugged in to the rider lead using the other extension cable - if not

Can you hear hear yourself with your helmet plugged in to the passenger lead lead


Repeat all the above with the passnger wearing her helmet.

If necessary, repeat again with both of you plugged in.



Hopefully this will isolate the problem. When you've found it, order some spares from Tecstar who now own Autocom.







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(Hijack warning)


Just today our Autocom started malfunctioning much like the OP's. After messing with it, we discovered that it was isolated to the pillion microphone. If she squeezed the mic with her fingers, all was good. The system would function perfectly. Would this indicate a microphone issue or a Vox issue? Secondly, if it's a microphone issue, does anyone have a spare they want to sell?

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