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Now My Mapsource and Zumo Have Gone Whacky


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Three times in a row when I've designed a route in Mapsource and transferred it to the Zumo, stupid little detours and diversions have been added. The one I'm looking at now is a 95 mile route in Mapsource but it shows up on the Zumo as 110, with 15 miles of side tracking.


This just started happening. Any ideas?

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Make sure you zoom way in when you click your route. What looks fine zoomed out may the the "other side of a divided highway" when zoomed in and will cause a diversion. Also, if your map set in your zumo is not the same version as in mapsource, it will recalc and can cause changes. One way to make sure it calcs the same is to zoom in and put waypoints as your markers, then use your route tool to route to the waypoints.

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I'll second the part about making sure the versions are the same. It happened to me recently and downloading the correct version has stopped it.

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Morning RockBottom


The main cause is as John suggested in that you have some double back’s in your route. Maybe due to wrong side of freeway or caused by incorrectly routing down one way roads.


If all is order as far as double backs & correct directions on one way roads then MAKE DARN sure you have the same version NT map in your Zumo as on your MapSource & that you have the correct matching map in the Zumo turned on. Also if you have more than one version of NT maps in your MapSource make sure you have the correct map turned on that matches the one in your Zumo.


If you are trying to use a route in your Zumo that was made on an older version map in MapSource you need to bring that route up in MapSource again & re-calculate it to the new map set so the shaping points conform to the new map routing.


I have seen some other complaints of the latest versions of MapSource using the new 2012.1 & 2012.2 map sets doing what you are seeing so if all your map sets match in MapSource & on your Zumo, & your routes are re-calculated to the correct map set, you might be one of those people. My current MapSource 6.16.3 & the latest 2012.2 maps sets are working flawlessly on my Zumo.


Added: one thing you might try is to start with one of your problem routes in MapSource, then transfer that route to the Zumo. Once transferred to the Zumo & imported into the Zumo as a route go back to MapSource & re-name that route to same name it was only with a ( _1) after the route name. Then change the route color to something different than purple.


Now using MapSource bring the route from the Zumo back into MapSource (should come back as the original name).


You should now have 2 routes shown in the MapSource route box with different color routing lines. Now show both routes on the map then zoom way in & compare them. Your difference should be apparent & maybe point to something like a misplaced via or way point.





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It is the same set of maps on both. The thing is, it just started doing this. It was working fine until recently. And I didn't make any changes on either Mapsource or the Zumo.


And there are no divided highways in these toures.

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Added: one thing you might try is to start with one of your problem routes in MapSource, then transfer that route to the Zumo. Once transferred to the Zumo & imported into the Zumo as a route go back to MapSource & re-name that route to same name it was only with a ( _1) after the route name. Then change the route color to something different than purple.


Now using MapSource bring the route from the Zumo back into MapSource (should come back as the original name).


You should now have 2 routes shown in the MapSource route box with different color routing lines. Now show both routes on the map then zoom way in & compare them. Your difference should be apparent & maybe point to something like a misplaced via or way point.


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In Mapsource there is an advanced routing section that allows you to specify various features you would like to avoid during route calculation. I don't have a Zumo but is it possible they have the same setting in the gps unit as Mapsource? Perhaps there's a mismatch with the route avoidance setup in Mapsource and Zumo?

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Once the route is loaded on the GPS, hit "recalculate" and then take a look. The weird stuff may go away. It works for me when mine does this occasionally.

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I did the recalculate but both ways--shortest distance or fastest time--changed the route from where I wanted it to be.

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Just to experiment, I just now transferred a route from Mapsource to the Zumo. When I pulled it up on the Zumo, it had added detours and diversions. So I transferred it back to Mapsource. Over 30 miles of detours and diversions had been added to a 119 mile route.

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Evening RockBottom


Have you positively verified you have the correct map set turned on in your Zumo? Then verified you have the same map set in the drop down box in MapSource?


No chance you have two maps tick marked on the Zumo is there? One map set on top of another in the Zumo will really drive it crazy.


One other thing to check is that the map on your Zumo has all the segments for the area you are mapping to. If you are missing a piece to the map it will route only on the major roads.


I guess bottom line here is if you can’t find anything blatantly wrong maybe re-download then re-install the current mapping in both the Zumo & in MapSource.


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Evening RockBottom


Have you positively verified you have the correct map set turned on in your Zumo? Then verified you have the same map set in the drop down box in MapSource?


No chance you have two maps tick marked on the Zumo is there? One map set on top of another in the Zumo will really drive it crazy.


One other thing to check is that the map on your Zumo has all the segments for the area you are mapping to. If you are missing a piece to the map it will route only on the major roads.


I guess bottom line here is if you can’t find anything blatantly wrong maybe re-download then re-install the current mapping in both the Zumo & in MapSource.


Yep, the settings are correct. And as I mentioned, this just started happening within the past week and I made no changes to either Mapsource or the Zumo.

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Garmin tech support is no help. Here's the exchange I've had with them so far.


Escalation from KANA On Demand Self Service


Subject: Detours added to custom routes


Message: When I create a custom route with Mapsource and transfer it to my Zumo, it adds detours and diversions. For instance, a 95 mile route designed in Mapsource shows up as a 110 route with 15 miles of detours added by the unit. This just began happening recently. I made no other changes to my Zumo or Mapsource. Recalculating the route before I transfer it does not correct the problem. This happens with every custom route I design with Mapsource and transfer.


Knowledgebase: garmin

Market Name: On the Road

Product Group: zumo series

Product: zumo 220




Dear Steve Metz,

Thank you for contacting Garmin International. I will be happy to assist you with this. The zumo will always recalculate the route after it is transferred into the device. There is no way to prevent this from happening. The zumo may calculate the route differently that MapSource. It will use the same points, but not the exact same route.


If you need additional assistance, please reply to this email or call 800-800-1020 anytime between 8:00am and 6:30pm Central time Mon-Thur. or between 8:00am and 5:00pm Central time Friday.


With Best Regards,

Jamie Ha.




Perhaps I wasn't clear. My Zumo is now adding detours and diversions to the route created in Mapsource. For instance, last night I created a 119 mile route in MapSource and transferred it to the Zumo. When I previewed it on the Zumo, it had added detours and diversions. I transferred it back to Mapsource from the Zumo, it was then 153 miles. The extra distance was things like taking a side road for a few miles then turning around and returning to the route I designed. This never happened until the past week.


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Morning RockBottom



PM me the route you are having the most problems with & I will put it in my MapSource & Zumo to see what it does in those. Also give me the total mileage shown on both your Zumo & in your MapSource.



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Try this with the problem route:

In Mapsource

- Calc your route using "Shortest" and refine your waypoints

(by 'refine', I mean reduce the number of waypoints to the minimum required for the route ... I also find that setting them BETWEEN rather than ON intersections helps)

- duplicate the route

- recalc the duplicate using "Fastest"


... the differences in the routing will be obvious so:


- refine the waypoints on "Fastest" dragging the route back onto the original as needed (think of the exercise as creating an 'elegant' route ... minimum waypoints, same roads no matter how it is calculated)


The objective is to get both Fastest and Shortest to match. Load this to your Zumo and check it out. It's probably overkill but I started doing this in order to share routes for small group rides (different GPS's and map sets - who knows what preferences) and results have always been good.

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I've done some additional diagnosis. I created a route in Mapsource, copied it to the Zumo, then transferred it back to the computer and opened it with Mapsource.


When I compared the two I found that my original route had no waypoints, but the route that was transferred to the Zumo and back had nine waypoints.


Here's the weird part--all of those waypoints are from my favorites list on the Zumo. So for some reason, the Zumo is integrating my favorites into the route I've just transferred.

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Garmin tech support is no help. Here's the exchange I've had with them so far.


I've come to the conclusion that Garmin's email responses to technical questions are meant to provide humor and never intended to answer the question.


I started dealing with the Garmin Gremlin problem a few weeks ago, very similar situation to what you described. Routes that are circular with shaping points and multiple road curves were the most problematic. After a long learning curve and discussion with some of Garmin's technical folks this is what I do and seems to have solved the problem.


1. I don't work with files in .gdb format but now work and save all files as .gpx.


2. I now have Basecamp loaded and after I have created the map in Mapsource, I download it into Basecamp, recalculate it in Basecamp, save it back as a .gpx file and copy that file to my Zumo SD card.


It's an extra step but it has eliminated the unwanted detours and diversions. Over a couple of weeks, I tried creating and using routes with Basecamp (windows version) and all i can say is that I'm still suffering mild PTSD from the experience. In its present form, it gives BETA software a good reputation for reliability.


Thus far, I've only encountered one problem with Recalc in Basecamp and it had to do with a complex intersection on odd angle where instead of turning left, it had me turn right, do a U-turn and then turn right again. Mapsource handled it fine. Overall, I'm pleased with the result of eliminating the gremlin problem but not happy having to use two different software programs.


FYI, I was told that Garmin will not be supporting Mapsource with future updates. At some point we'll all be using Basecamp. What my experience taught me was that the current developers of Basecamp have very little familiarity with the zumo platform and user needs.


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I've done some additional diagnosis. I created a route in Mapsource, copied it to the Zumo, then transferred it back to the computer and opened it with Mapsource.


When I compared the two I found that my original route had no waypoints, but the route that was transferred to the Zumo and back had nine waypoints.


Here's the weird part--all of those waypoints are from my favorites list on the Zumo. So for some reason, the Zumo is integrating my favorites into the route I've just transferred.


P.S. to my previous post. For good measure, you may want to consider doing a hard reset with your zumo and start with a newly created route in Mapsource (same routing as before).

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I've done some additional diagnosis. I created a route in Mapsource, copied it to the Zumo, then transferred it back to the computer and opened it with Mapsource.


When I compared the two I found that my original route had no waypoints, but the route that was transferred to the Zumo and back had nine waypoints.


Here's the weird part--all of those waypoints are from my favorites list on the Zumo. So for some reason, the Zumo is integrating my favorites into the route I've just transferred.


Morning RockBottom


It sounds like you had a tick in the import “waypoints” box in MapSource when you imported the route.


Make sure the ONLY thing with a tick mark in it when importing is the ROUTES box.


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... I also find that setting them BETWEEN rather than ON intersections helps)


Morning ElevenFifty


The problem with doing this on the Zumo is you end up with flags all over the route & the couintdown mileage is shown it to next (worthless) shown flag not to the next turn.


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I've done some additional diagnosis. I created a route in Mapsource, copied it to the Zumo, then transferred it back to the computer and opened it with Mapsource.


When I compared the two I found that my original route had no waypoints, but the route that was transferred to the Zumo and back had nine waypoints.


Here's the weird part--all of those waypoints are from my favorites list on the Zumo. So for some reason, the Zumo is integrating my favorites into the route I've just transferred.


Morning RockBottom


It sounds like you had a tick in the import “waypoints” box in MapSource when you imported the route.


Make sure the ONLY thing with a tick mark in it when importing is the ROUTES box.


Naw--that was the first thing I looked for. The import waypoints is not checked.

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If it were me, I would:


1) Delete all routes and waypoints


2) Do a hard reset


3) Connect to Garmin and insure all software is current


Then try again.

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Garmin support is pissing me off because all they keep doing is repeating that this is normal. Here's my latest exchange with them:


That's not the issue. Let me try one more time: THIS NEVER HAPPENED UNTIL RECENTLY so your explanation that it is normal recalculation doesn't hold. As I mentioned in another email, what is happening is that the Zumo is integrating my favorites into my routes, and recalculating them based on that.




Dear Steve Metz,

Thank you for contacting Garmin International.


I am more than happy to help you with this.

I am sorry to hear that your having issues with your zumo 220 recalculating your route sent from MapSource.

When a route is sent from MapSource to your zumo the unit will recalculate the route based on the setting in your zumo.

i.e. Avoidances, and route settings. For example: If your unit is set up to avoid highways then the unit will recalculate the route to avoid the highways and interstates the best it can.

I am sorry for any inconviance.

Thank you and have a great day.


With Best Regards,

David Du.

Product Support Specialist

Garmin International



913-440-8280 (fax) Att: David Du., Associate #6310


Additional solutions may be found at http://www.garmin.com/garmin/cms/site/us/support/searchsupport





Original Message Follows: ------------------------


Perhaps I wasn't clear. My Zumo is now adding detours and diversions to the route created in Mapsource. For instance, last night I created a 119 mile route in MapSource and transferred it to the Zumo. When I previewed it on the Zumo, it had added detours and diversions. I transferred it back to Mapsource from the Zumo, it was then 153 miles. The extra distance was things like taking a side road for a few miles then turning around and returning to the route I designed. This never happened until the past week.


From: Product.Support@garmin.com [mailto:product.support@garmin.com]

Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 22:27

To: Steve Metz

Subject: Re: Detours added to custom routes (KMM22603471I15977L0KM)


Dear Steve Metz,

Thank you for contacting Garmin International. I will be happy to assist you with this. The zumo will always recalculate the route after it is transferred into the device. There is no way to prevent this from happening. The zumo may calculate the route differently that MapSource. It will use the same points, but not the exact same route.


If you need additional assistance, please reply to this email or call 800-800-1020 anytime between 8:00am and 6:30pm Central time Mon-Thur. or between 8:00am and 5:00pm Central time Friday.


With Best Regards,

Jamie Ha.


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"You need to talk with them LIVE on the phone."


Ditto. And call as soon as Garmin Customer Service opens. I've done that several times and been pleased with the results every time. Using their email support....well, not so much. ;)

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