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Radar Detector Noise Suppresion


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Probably a simple fix here, but I get some high pitched electrical noise from my Passport audio (follows engine speed). The (bike) power lead as well as the audio output run from the front of the bike to the under seat area. Is it more likely that it's the power lead (and can be fixed with a simple noise suppressor in the circuit), or is it more likely to be picking up interference on the audio side. TIA

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My Escort also did that at first but a ground loop isolator fixed it. Moving the wiring around had no effect on it.


Edit: also make sure you have a mono cable (not stereo) plugged into the Escort, and the other end will need a mono-to-stereo converter before it plugs into the Autocom, assuming you have one. The GLI goes between the mono cable and the mono-stereo converter.


Trying to use a stereo cable into the Escort is 1/2 the noise problem. If this is what you are doing, try pulling it partway out and listen to the noise stop when wiggling it around.


GLI also needs to be MONO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could be RF, EMI or ground loop. Do you know if it's a transistor hiss? Listen to some audio clips online for a hint. The hiss is most likely through the audio side if you are using an isolation transformer.


Rev bike while moving cable around. If you have to surround cable with good grounded copper shielding near problem areas. I can sell you a small bit if you can't find some local.


Save the trouble and use a mono connector. Less movement induced noise and a better connection. Autocom 4036 and 4035 is pre made and a decent cable.

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