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Solsitce solo lights


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Going to add a pair of fok lights and a pair of focused beam lights hooked up to the highbeams. I really like the dim's of the solstics solo's as well as thier output power.


Couple of quaetions; anyone out there using them? What are the general thoguhts on them?


And, Should I expect any CANBUS challenges hooking up the fog lights to a waterproof toggle and the battery or ignition? As well, is there any problems I may incounter hooking up one or even a pair of the focused beam hi-beam lights to the OEM hi-beam swith and light?


I plan to keep the fog lights low and forward, probably attaching them to my Illumworks High way pegs, and the high beams up high under the oil cooler. Are there any other feasible options besides under the mirrors?


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