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Sharing your helmet


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Strangely enough, I ran into a situation the other day that I had not been in before, and it made me a bit uncomfortable.


A friend of a friend asked me if I would take her for a ride around town on my bike, and at first I was perfectly fine with the idea.

I had proper gear for her to wear for the ride, but then I began to wonder about what helmet she would wear.


I own three different helmets, and I wear each one depending on what the weather is like, time of day, whatever.


Suddenly, the thought of letting someone else wear one of my helmets made me feel a bit queasy.

Maybe I was being paranoid, but to me, the interior on my helmet, is my own personal space.

And sharing it with someone else would be like sharing my toothbrush with someone else.


In the end, I made up some excuse about not having the time right now, but how about next time.


Am I alone here ?

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After spending 23 years in the Marine Corps, drinking out of the same canteens as many of my comrades, sharing the same sleeping bags at times because of the cold, wearing gear that had been worn by many before, hot racking,......sharing a helmet would be no problem.

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I don't feel comfortable sharing my helmet either. We have a few extra helmets in various sizes for the occasional guest rider. Watch the classified. Every now and again folks are cleaning out their closets or purchased a helmet that didn't suit and you can pick one up at a reasonable price.

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I think it all depends. Like Richard says, when it's a comrade in arms, you basically have no choice, so you don't let it bother you.

I suppose if I felt queasy about this female, then maybe I wouldn't want her on the back of my bike.

The major problem I would have is, due to no fault of my own, I have an extremely large head. So whoever it was would look like Dukakis in an army helmet.


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Suddenly, the thought of letting someone else wear one of my helmets made me feel a bit queasy.

Maybe I was being paranoid, but to me, the interior on my helmet, is my own personal space.

And sharing it with someone else would be like sharing my toothbrush with someone else.


In the end, I made up some excuse about not having the time right now, but how about next time.


Am I alone here ?

Yes you are, quick go and see somebody for professional help.

I don't share my climbing harness, but then again, I might be hanging 50m+ above ground of a Tower and my life sort of depends on it.



What bothers some, doesn't bother others.

Each to their own.

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If you thought she was ok to ride on the back of your scoot, why is she suddenly too nasty for your helmet? If I really had an issue I'd get one of those dew rag head covers the Harley guys wear and ask her to wear it under the helmet. Problem solved.Enjoy the ride.

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If you thought she was ok to ride on the back of your scoot, why is she suddenly too nasty for your helmet?

I should probably add that all of my helmets are full face, and she was a smoker.

So in the back of my mind, I was probably a little concerned about my helmet smelling like smoke. :P

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You dondd't wear a 'head skin' or similar bit of head underwear? The Silks and the like make a helmet a lot easieer to keep clean.

What a barbarian.

If the ride was successful for a happy ending your helmet may smell diferent than smoke!

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If you thought she was ok to ride on the back of your scoot, why is she suddenly too nasty for your helmet?

I should probably add that all of my helmets are full face, and she was a smoker.

So in the back of my mind, I was probably a little concerned about my helmet smelling like smoke. :P


Um, unless she sucks down the sticks at an extremely high rate and while riding with the visor down, your helmet would not have smelled like smoke. My wife smokes and I don't, her helmet does not smell of smoke, otherwise, my daughter that occasionally wears the helmet wouldn't wear it.

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Strangely enough, I ran into a situation the other day that I had not been in before, and it made me a bit uncomfortable.


A friend of a friend asked me if I would take her for a ride around town on my bike, and at first I was perfectly fine with the idea.

I had proper gear for her to wear for the ride, but then I began to wonder about what helmet she would wear.


I own three different helmets, and I wear each one depending on what the weather is like, time of day, whatever.


Suddenly, the thought of letting someone else wear one of my helmets made me feel a bit queasy.

Maybe I was being paranoid, but to me, the interior on my helmet, is my own personal space.

And sharing it with someone else would be like sharing my toothbrush with someone else.


In the end, I made up some excuse about not having the time right now, but how about next time.


Am I alone here ?



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I wear ONE helmet......365 days a year, rain or shine, snow or scorching heat.


Anyone willing to wear one of my helmets should receive some sort of medal. On the outward chance that I needed to share one in the first 3 months of helmet ownership (before it became rancid), I would have no problem handing it over to whoever. My thoughts are that they should be the one grossed out, not me.



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Strangely enough, I ran into a situation the other day that I had not been in before, and it made me a bit uncomfortable.


A friend of a friend asked me if I would take her for a ride around town on my bike, and at first I was perfectly fine with the idea.

I had proper gear for her to wear for the ride, but then I began to wonder about what helmet she would wear.


I own three different helmets, and I wear each one depending on what the weather is like, time of day, whatever.


Suddenly, the thought of letting someone else wear one of my helmets made me feel a bit queasy.

Maybe I was being paranoid, but to me, the interior on my helmet, is my own personal space.

And sharing it with someone else would be like sharing my toothbrush with someone else.


In the end, I made up some excuse about not having the time right now, but how about next time.


Am I alone here ?





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Am I alone here ?


Probably not alone, but I'm betting you're in a small minority. :smile:


Seriously, it isn't a big deal to share a helmet with someone.

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Am I alone here ?
Someone I knew, no problem. Someone I didn't know, maybe. Not likely I'd share a helmet in the 3rd world (or the parts of this country that resemble the 3rd world). I prefer to be lice-less. If I'm going to take responsibility for someone's life by taking them for a ride, I know them well enough to share the helmet or to have already arranged for them to get their own (in the case of a lice-head).
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If you thought she was ok to ride on the back of your scoot, why is she suddenly too nasty for your helmet?

I should probably add that all of my helmets are full face, and she was a smoker.

So in the back of my mind, I was probably a little concerned about my helmet smelling like smoke. :P


Under that premise I would probably feel some reservations myself. Being an ex-smoker makes me feel like some sort of hypocrite, but I cannot stand the smell of cigarette breath, or smoke odor on clothes.


Years ago, when I was single, this was a huge factor in my selection process; I found that regardless of how many pros she had, smoking was an insurmountable con.

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Homeless person--probably not, but then I have quite a few "loaners" to let them use. I also have several "throwaways" gotten for 2 to 5 bucks at yard sales just for that reason.


I try to think ahead


clean female--yup.

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Jerry Johnston

The only thing I worry about is a possible lawsuit if I loaned my helmet to someone and they ended up with a head injury due to a split helmet. I know someone about 5years back that turned a corner too fast and his helmet split on a curb (expensive helmet too). His mom ended up as his care taker during recovery and tried to get money out of the helmet manufacture (with no luck). People who end up in dire troubles with out money look for every avenue to acquire it.

Just a thought !

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