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Spot Tracker-Rebates


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Anyone interested, SPOT is offering $50 rebate til the end of the year on Spot Personal Tracker and Messenger. Inside the box I also found 15% off the first years service.

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It's not related. They could be rock solid, but like everyone else their sales are down, so they offer a special to stimulate sales.

If they are shaky financially, that could be whether they offer a special or not.

So, like they say, one way or another, ain't nothin' can be done about it.

Unless someone was looking to get it, and that tips them over the edge.


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skinny_tom (aka boney)
Makes me wonder if they're in financial trouble. Which would stink because I have a year subscription.


SPOT has always offered incentives. I didn't pay full price for my unit way back when and I've never paid full price for service.


Somehow they're still in business.


I suspect maybe it's part of the business model.

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I'm going to get in my Oldsmobile, crank up my Zune, and go to Borders Books to see if I can find one. And stop at Friendly's on the way.

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I dropped SPOT and went to Resqlink 406. I like SPOT, but didn't care for subscription fee. There are some articles on the web, and boy isn't that a great source of the truth, comparing Resqlink and SPOT. Check out what they say to help with decision.


No affiliation to either one...

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I dropped SPOT and went to Resqlink 406. I like SPOT, but didn't care for subscription fee. There are some articles on the web, and boy isn't that a great source of the truth, comparing Resqlink and SPOT.
Two different things there - Spot is a multifunction locator device, the Resqlink is only a PLB. Most people using Spot are never going to use it to call for help - they're going to use it for the tracking & messaging that let the family & friends know where they are. If all you want is a "help me I've fallen & can't get up, send help" device then Resqlink is definitely the one to get (much less likely to get failures to transmit & rescue due to the frequencies used). But if you want tracking & messaging with the possibility of needing a rescue call then Spot is the device.


I'm waiting for Garmin's new tracking locator this fall & will probably switch then.

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skinny_tom (aka boney)
I dropped SPOT and went to Resqlink 406. I like SPOT, but didn't care for subscription fee. There are some articles on the web, and boy isn't that a great source of the truth, comparing Resqlink and SPOT.
Two different things there - Spot is a multifunction locator device, the Resqlink is only a PLB. Most people using Spot are never going to use it to call for help - they're going to use it for the tracking & messaging that let the family & friends know where they are. If all you want is a "help me I've fallen & can't get up, send help" device then Resqlink is definitely the one to get (much less likely to get failures to transmit & rescue due to the frequencies used). But if you want tracking & messaging with the possibility of needing a rescue call then Spot is the device.


I'm waiting for Garmin's new tracking locator this fall & will probably switch then.


I bought SPOT for the Check-in feature. As some people here know, I like to ride my motorcycle solo into some somewhat remote places. With the check-in feature, I can send my wife a message in the morning when I get going, and one again when I get to wherever it is that I decide to stop. It makes here very happy and much less worrysome when she gets the message. BTW, it's set up to both text and email her, as well as me (so I know it's working- so long as I'm in cell coverage... otherwise they just pile on next time I get there.) The help feature is nice (never used it.) The 911 feature? Meh. My plan is to be self sufficient- I hope to never use it. But in the event I push the button, pray they get there fast because it's going to be last on the list of recovery efforts.


And, it's fun. Here's the ride I did a couple of weeks ago. The green tags are check-ins.



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I like the personalized message button on my Spot. I've used it to write a message to my wife that says, "The life insurance policy is in the safety deposit box in the closet."

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They dropped the price to clear them out for the new model. The new "SPOT" will work with SMART phones and texting messages. You can send texts via satellite in non-cell service areas, instead of just the pre-programmed messages that you currently use in the older model.


No affiliation.

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I picked up a SPOT/Delorme PN-60w combo so I could do what Boney does, i.e. let my wife know where I am and send a "I'm ok" message. My trouble is it seems very inconsistent on whether the message gets sent. It tries 3 times and it missed out more than 1/2 the time. The last time I used it was coming home from Sequoia National Park. When I got home, I sent the message from right in front of the house, saying I made it. It says it sent it 3 times but neither my wife's email nor text message made it through. I also send it to mine as well and it didn't make it there either. I don't know why it fails, but I don't really trust it at this point.

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Check some of the threads on it on Advrider. They are the big users of those things, as they are off road, or off grid or map so much.

And there are those who have had nothing but good service from it, including one who recently had a rescue in Washington, I think (state, I mean).

And there are those who seriously question if it would work if you needed it. Due to their experience with the service.



In any case, I think it may be better than nothing, better than no type of help request equipment.


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