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Where to Mount an Autocom or Baehr on '09 RT?


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I just bought an '09 RT and I'm trying to decide the best place to mount a Baehr comm system. It looks like there is plenty of room under the pax seat, but I'm wondering if I am overlooking a better place. Could I get some suggestions from "those who have gone before?" The Baehr unit is 7 3/4" X 3" X 1" (larger than an Autocom). Suggestions w/ any pics really aprreciated. :)

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I mounted my AutoCom unit in the rear storage area, just in front of the tail light. It stay dry back there. Word of caution, during riding in the rain, water sprays up into the area below the driver seat area.

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Have had an Autocom under the rider's seat of my R12RT since 2007. I've never had a problem with water under the seat and I've ridden cross-continent with it numerous times in every sort of weather.

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I guess it rains heavier down here in the south. :/

After mounting a power supply box for my AutoCom under the front seat, I promptly lost it during/after a down pour. Not sure how the water got in there, but the supply died.


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Have had an Autocom under the rider's seat of my R12RT since 2007. I've never had a problem with water under the seat and I've ridden cross-continent with it numerous times in every sort of weather.


+1 that's where mine is and never had a problem. I keep my GMRS radio in the tail cone and it too works great in that location. It's bike powered so I never have to touch it once the volume is set up.

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Yep, mine's up in the tail cone in front of the taillight. Been in some Godawful rain but no problem so far. You could always wrap it in bubble wrap first ...

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Mounted an Autocom system in the tail section. The picture shows an XM30 antenna velcroed to the top of it; not my best idea (looses signal when top case is mounted) but otherwise good spot for the unit.


Btw, there's a Centech unit positioned directly under the pillion seat. In five years, it's never shorted out, never had a challenge with excessive moisture under the seat. That being said, this picture was taken a day after a 1K run in the rain; the "dusty look" is really the remains of misty dirt driven up there.



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Another recommendation for rear tail. Hopefully it fits.


That is a big intercom... Ironically, I complain about the size of an Autocom.


If you always ride with a tank bag, that can be a great place to mount all your electronics.

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