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Looking for low profile expandable soft tail bag.


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I'd love to have one of those fancy top cases, but when I strap something on the luggage rack that's over 6 or so inches tall I have a deuce of a time getting my leg over it. And putting my right foot over the saddle instead of swinging the leg over is even worse. I'm old, stiff, not long legged, and a little chubby.


I've got an expandable (upwards) tank bag on my 1150R and wish I could find something like it for a tail bag on my 1200RT.


But I would want it reasonably secure, not just strapped on. I could probly put something rigid like a piece of thinner plywood cut to fit inside the bottom for something to bolt thru.


I frequently carry an item that's 12" long x 10" wide by 9" high so would need a bag that would hold that.


I've looked around quite a bit and have found some that are the right size but not expandable upwards so they have a low profile like 6" high or so when collapsed.


I know that's getting picky, wouldn't mind if the bag was a little wider / longer than 10/12, but the expandable height thing is the big one for me.


Doesn't need to be waterproof, and if I need I can always stick it in a plastic bag. Would be nice if it was lockable somehow, even if I'd have to use a little padlock or something. But I can always rig something up if I find a good match otherwise.


Just thought somebody might happen to know of something like that.




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Another thought you might want to consider. I believe it was Tim who suggested this but I might be wrong.


If mounting the bike while it is on the centerstand (my preference) put your left foot on the peg and stand up, then swing the right foot around and over. This allows for much more clearance, and the standard hard case might be an option.


Just a thought...

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Honestly, I can't recall ever getting on this bike or my r1150r while on the center stand.


I guess maybe I just figured it would be somewhat of a struggle to get it moving forward and maintaining balance.


Might be an option, tho. Anything is worth considering.

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Took a look at the Starr bags - some nice looking items but unfortunately not big enuf to take that item I frequently need room for which is 9x10x12, and it can sit in any orientation.


Except of course for the larger ones, and then I'm back to my same old dilemma.


Thanks for the info, tho!

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