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Aeroflow 15% Off Sale


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Was browsing the Aeroflow Website the other day and noticed they are having a 15% off sale now. If you're not a Facebook member, or don't want to "Like" Aeroflow on Facebook the discount still applies. Click on the link here, or on the Aeroflow site, and they state that. Shipping to my home in NY via UPS from Aeroflow was going to be $46 (Ouch!) because of the large box. I asked and they would not do free shipping and the 15% off. One or the other is what I was told. I searched the web and found that Sierra BMW is an Aeroflow reseller. I sent them an e-mail asking if they'd match the 15% and ship for free. They agreed and are shipping me a medium windscreen for my '11 RT and a headlight cover for $301.67 shipped.

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I've been thinking about one of those - have read good things about the improvement in airflow management.


Any first hand experience with these from forum members?


How long does the sale last? I didn't notice it on the link.

Probly just wasn't looking for it.


Already have their headlight protector - wouldn't be without it!

Great product!

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I live about 3 miles from Aeroflow so shipping is not a concern for me (YEA).

I had their stuff on my 06 GS and it was excellent. Totally changed the ride in a very positive way.

I think my 05 RT has good wind protection but it would be great if it was even better.

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I asked about how long the sale was good for and was told they didn't know. I wouldn't think it would end before the end of the year but, ya never know.

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I e-mailed Sierra BMW and inquired about the 15 percent discount on Aeroflow plus free shipping. They will do the discount but told me no go on the free shipping. They are aware of having recently done both but said the free shipping "slipped" past them.

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