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Anyone going the to Long Beach MC Show? A Request


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I have a small request for someone who's going to the Long Beach International Motorcycle Show this weekend.


In the San Francisco show I saw a product in the Kawasaki area that I really want some more info on. But i got distracted and forgot to go back and talk to the guys, only remembered it later at home that night...


There's nothing I can find on-line so I'd appreciate if someone who's going the Long Beach show could help me out and do some investigative work at the Kawi booth.


Big thanks already in advance!




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Mikko, they were called "D" cups; they will probably be on display at the Long Beach show also. :rofl:


But what I was wondering about is if they are OEM or after-market...




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I would guess there are some of each variety. Be a little more specific. What other items at the booth did you have your eyes on?

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What other items at the booth did you have your eyes on?


:) The item that I did have my eyes on was soft tail bag on a Ninja 650.

They had few of the 650's on display and one of them had a semi-soft expandable tail bag on it attached to the passenger seat.

The bag looked clearly OEM, fitted very well and if I recall right it had the word "Ninja" printed on top of it on a rubber trim.


I'm pretty sure it was on the Ninja 650 but who knows what bike it's originally made for.


At the time I though to myself "that looks really neat, I'll have google it up when i get home" but I've found NOTHING on-line about a Kawasaki tail bag for Ninja 650.

Kawasaki does make soft bags for some of their bikes so seeing one on the 650 didn't seem surprising.


If someone's going to the show and don't mind killing some time in the Kawi booth, for what ever reason, I'd appreciate if they could ask the Kawi staff about that bag.




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I'm surprisingly low-tech for an engineer type, my cell phone can make voice calls and text messages, that's it. :dopeslap:


I'm really mostly interested in a) is it a Kawasaki accessory and b) where can I buy one.


Pictures would be appreciated though. I'll PM you with my email address.




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Considering the riff-raff that mostly hangs around here, I'm not surprised this thread was in the gutter pretty much from the beginning. :wave:

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I just got back from the show. I didn't see much in the Kawasaki area, but since I was over at the Gerbings booth, right next to Brammo, I looked at Brammo. They had some fantastic original equipment over there.


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Do you really want "Kawasaki" emblazoned on the soft derriere luggage on your beemer?


This bag's not going onto a BMW.






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Eric, the count is not correct anymore. We've got rid of few bicycles :rofl:


Kathy, thanks. I like my garage too, my favorite room in the whole house. :)




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