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Odyssey PC680 and chargers

Mr. Frank

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According to Odyssey the proper float charge for the PC680 is 13.5 to 13.8 volts. Battery Tenders and the BMW gel charger float at 13.2v. Assuming you don't leave a charger on the PC680 for long periods of time, would that be a major problem?

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I got this from the Battery Tender website: "Battery Tender battery chargers offer a variety of power levels: 7.5, 15, 70, 300 & 600 watts, maximum charge currents: 0.75, 1.25, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 15 & 20 amps, and nominal battery voltages: 6, 12, 24, 36 & 48 volts. Various charging algorithms are available to accommodate the wide range of lead acid battery styles: Flooded, Sealed, VRLA, GEL & AGM. Check with the factory for the combination of power, current, voltage and battery style that best meets your needs." So I guess all Battery Tenders are not the same. Read the fine print.

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I've used a Battery Tender Plus for years to charge a few Odyssey PC680's on a few bikes. Never a problem. But I supplement the charging with riding the bike (usually once a week), so I'm not sure what long-term charging from a Battery Tender (only) would do for battery health.

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Before I purchased the CTEK, I emailed Deltran and asked it would charge my 680 and they never returned my reply hence the new CTEK in my garage. Plus the CTEK will de-sulfate a battery....supposedly!

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Some of the new electronic chargers will indeed recover at least some badly sulfated batteries. A few months ago I recovered a stone dead car battery using an Xtreme after my regular 10A transformer style car charger failed to. The Xtreme is what I happen to have and use on the bikes and doesn't have the output of the bigger transformer type but it got the job done. That battery is still in use and works fine, again, and passes load teating, etc with room to spare.

The are other brands. CTEK and Optimate come to mind..

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