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Scala Rider TeamSet and Shoei Multitec


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Hi, everyone.


I searched for "scala teamset" but did not come up with anything useful for myself. (I really need to learn how to search properly here.) So, I'm appealing to your collective wisdom for answers.


1. At my dealer today I saw a Scala Rider TeamSet for ~$250. I was intrigued. But when I went to Cardo's website, they have listed only the TeamSet PRO. What is the difference between the non-PRO and the PRO versions?


(My needs are simple: Intercom with my wife and only sometimes connect a cell phone. Perhaps in the future connect GPS and music, but I rather doubt that now.)


2. Does the TeamSet install easily on Shoei Multitec helmets by clamping or would I need to use the "sticky tape" mount?


3. How hard are the speakers to install on a Multitec?


4. What else should I know? Any caveats?


Thanks very much in advance.



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I have the Scala Rider Teamset. Pluses are it connects well to my bluetooth phone and most people are not aware I'm on the bike. It mounted easily to the side of my helmets. Sound increases and decreases with background noise.


Negatives outweigh the positives for me. It's not waterproof; I've had it replaced twice for corroded innards after wearing it in the rain. I have trouble hearing the speakers and replaced them with an MP3 jack and earbuds. Music in mono and not stereo. And my newer helmet doesn't have enough room in front of my mouth for the microphone (flip up helmet).







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Same as Quinn

Great sales pitch but over rated.

Not saying that there is something better out there as I haven't tried anything else.


We use it in the way that me and my wife have it and her within visual range, we will loose comms for no reason and then have a hell of a time to re-connect.

One of the reasons is if you have it paired with your phone, the phone will always over ride the Comms.

MP3 playback sound is rubbish.

Built in radio might work in the city with great signal strength but otherwise, next to unusable.

Noise cancelling is poor.

Phone calls via bluetooth do work very well.

I also have their GPS which isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Screen is too dark to use effectively in daylight.

Comms for routing between their own products is rubbish as the GPS uses FM RF transmission. With the transmission constantly coming from the GPS, it again kills comms between riders.



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Not to pile on here... but...


I went to a Scala Rider Teamset for the same reasons you did.


I think the clamp-on the helmet will work and I think it is a better method of mounting. Earphones are easy to install the second or third time you do it. My initial tries were OK but but not elegant. Later attempts got easier and better.


Stereo or not was not my main problem, although that may have been fixed with the later technology. For me the issue was volume. I just could not get enough to satisfy my needs. I called and worked with not only customer service but eventually worked my way into the "inside" and found an engineer at the company who was interested in my problems. I thought he worked pretty hard on it till we both gave up.


Caveat... mine was an early version of the product. Current models may be better.


FYI... I went to an Autocomm system and think it is a good solution.



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Danny caddyshack Noonan

I have the Teamset in a Multitec. I use the clamp but, had to influence the composite/liner gap by prying with a butter knife to make room. Most of the time, I leave the mic on the outside of the helmet since it is a tight fit.


I am really disappointed except when riding solo. I ride solo better than 95% of the time but, I'm not very happy. When linked with my GPS, I have no comms.


Anyway, I don't really think there is an end all/be all solution out there.

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Thank you all for your replies. I'm disappointed, but it's better to be disappointed before I buy than after; so thank you again.


To clear up one thing: When I checked Cardo's FAQ on the TeamSet, it states: While this product is water resistant, it is not waterproof. It should not be used in heavy rain or snowfall. In any event, the silicone cover protecting the charging jack should always be tightly closed when exposed to any rain or snowfall.


However, on their TeamSet PRO tech specs page it states: Rugged Design: Waterproff & Dustproof.


Confused, I sent an enquiry to Cardo last night and received the following reply this morning.




Thank you for contacting the Cardo Systems Support Center.


The TeamSet PRO is Waterproof. The FAQ you are looking at is for the TeamSet, not the TeamSet PRO. The TeamSet PRO has the certification to be waterproof.


Please feel free to contact us if we can assist with any other questions.


Best regards,



Garth Schafer


So, apparently the new TeamSet PRO is waterproof at least. I'm happy about that.


Are there any good experience or more bad experience stories about the TeamSet PRO?


Thanks again, y'all.



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My wife and I have the Scala Rider "Q2 Multiset", and they have been working well for us. As I understand it, the Q2 set is similar to the Team Set, but has a longer range, since it is intended for communication between bikes (which is how we use it).


I use the standard speakers that come with it, and even with foam earplugs, I can still hear it pretty well. My wife uses Arizona Al's wired earplugs (wired into the bluetooth unit) because that works better for her.


We used to have an Autocom unit, but I didn't like being wired to it. For simple two-person communication and pairing with some other bluetooth device like a GPS or cell phone, it works reasonably well, at least for us.


We have done some riding in the rain, and have not had a problem with it yet. However, in a hard rain, I would take it off since the Q2 set isn't fully waterproof.


The battery life has been good, but we don't listen to music. If you do that for hours, I suspect you would run the battery down before the end of the day.


Attaching the bluetooth unit to a helmet is pretty simple and relatively secure, as long as the bottom edge of the helmet has a way to insert the back of the clam behind the shell (between the shell and the padding).


If the Team Set works like the Q2, the default behavior is for it to go into "power saving" mode after 30 seconds of inactivity. Then when you start talking again, it takes about a second for it to re-activate. So I am in the habit of saying something, or blowing on the mic, and then waiting a second before trying to talk. It takes a little getting used to, but isn't too bad. There may be a way to configure the system to stay connected all the time, but that would probably wear down the battery.


Over all, we have been quite happy with it.


Hope that helps.

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Negative feedback on Scala Rider Teamset here too. No issues with the mounting.

The pins that connect the microphone boom and the bluetooth have broken on both sets twice. Sending them back and forth costs me 2 weeks or more with out communication on my rides and I don't like it.


They will not completely replace units but exchange or most likely fix and return your old unit which (according to Mr. Garth at Scala) may have been from a "Bad Batch". I'm going with another system, possibly SMH10.

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Thank you all again for your comments. The Scala Teamset PRO seemed reasonable at a reasonable price (can be found for ~$160 online), but I've decided not to purchase the Scala at this time; instead, we will continue to use our Autocom Active-PLUS Duo. It would be nice, however, to go wireless sometime.



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