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Huzband made a video about picking up a bike.....


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And then we pick it up (This is the safe for work one)



And this would be the NOT SAFE FOR WORK ONE



Thanks for that Danny!!!



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Me too - I find that the annoyance and embarrassment of it falling in the first place - even if it's not your fault - is enough motivation for me to pick it up by myself pretty easily. Of course I haven't had it fall to the left yet, so I don't know how well I'd do if I didn't have the kickstand to stop it once it's up.



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This guy obviously doesn't eat his Wheaties.

Heck, I've picked up up my fully loaded and fueled 05RT with panniers and a topcase with no prooblem.

Just sayin'



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+1 on the butt technique... I have had to do it twice. Once from each side... not easy, but not impossible... and I am 64 years old and not in the best shape... I hope I never have to do it again... but know if I had to, I still can.

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