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Warm & Safe Remote Heat-troller

Nice n Easy Rider

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Nice n Easy Rider

Hi Folks,

About 12-15 months ago I bought a Warm & Safe Remote Heat-troller to control the heat on my Gerbings liner. You might remember that the Warm & Safe remote controller placed a strong second (behind a UK company) in our Mosche's review that was published in a motorcycling magazine (MCN?). This year I noticed I wasn't getting heat much of the time. After playing around with a few changes I determined the problem was in the controller. More specifically, where the "hot" wire (connecting the controller to the wire harness from the battery) entered the controller it must have cracked. If you moved the wire to the side the controller would get power but as soon as you let go of it you lost power.


As soon as I described this to Warm & Safe, Mike Coan told me that it couldn't be repaired and they sent me an authorization to return it. Within less than a week I had a brand new Heat-troller (including a new remote unit) and, for my troubles, a pair of their new heated socks. I know that I've seen positive messages about Warm & Safe on the board before but I just wanted to add my congratulations and thanks to them for being such a responsive and pleasurable business to deal with.

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