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BMW Navigator III+ map updates.


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Hi There, last year I had the BMW Navigator III+ moved from my R1200ST to my new R1200RTSE & I thought I would treat myself to some new maps. I thought OK they want AU$189 for lifetime updates. I went ahead with the purchase and grabbed the latest map update which for us was 2011.20 or something like that.

I recently went to update the GPS and now notice the only way to update the maps is to use a program called Garmin lifetime updater. So I installed the program, updated to the latest version of the program and and now whenever I try to update the maps it tells me garmin servers are busy.

The trouble is they are always busy, so I email Garmin support in Sydney and now they tell me garmin lifetime updater is not compatible with the BMW Navigator III series. What??!!! Where to from here I am trying for a refund but don't hold out much hope (remember I paid AU$189) Why use a program that is not compatible with my GPS, I purchased the BMW Nav III+ new in March 2008 its not that old (based on a Garmin 2820 ) I believe.


Has anybody else struck a problem with their NAV III or is just us Aussies being screwed over as usual? I don't really want to buy another GPS, the NAV III does all I want I'd just like some more current maps that I paid for.



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I would suggest you may get more help at ZUMOFORUMS.COM, a number of Aussies on there, as well as some VERY knowledgeable folks.


I personally haven't heard of this issue on the boards but I would try a search first... maybe it was mentioned(?)


Actually thinking this over a bit, can't you download the maps directly to your PC or MAC, then use(currently) BaseCamp or Mapsource, choose what regions you want and then transfer those regions to your GPS???

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Teddy, I also have issues with the Garmin Lifetime Updater.

I have been trying for a whole week to download updated maps for my Garmin A50 phone and each and every time the updater crashes almost instantly.

I've done a little research and it appears the updater is so full of bugs as to be almost useless for many Windows and Mac OS users.

The list of issues is a mile long: it goes from servers always busy (your case) to downloads freezing at 99% to be completely useless (my case).

I am personally waiting for a fix to my issue (what was suggested by Garmin support didn't work out for me) but I am not holding my breath.

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You might also want to check out Garmin Forums here:




They're run by Garmin and the application developers participate. I had an issue with the MapUpdater application crashing when I tried to update the maps on my new Montana 600. One of the developers sent me a beta version of the updater app and it solved my problem. Not saying you'll be as lucky, but there's no harm in trying.

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Thanks for the replies but I am now getting a refund on the lifetime maps.


Update, I contacted support (again) and in Aus you can no longer just "download" maps from their website using the dashboard. The ONLY way to get maps now is to use Garmin Lifetime Updater and guess what the BMW Navigator range is no longer supported by this method!

So I asked for a refund and they said that they would process a refund and it would take 2-3 weeks to process.

They suggested if I want a current map to go and buy a new GPS, I see Garmin now only offer the Zumo 660 @ RRP of $999. The Zumo 550 has been discontinued. They also told me my NAV III was based on a 25 year old design, I though WTF I only purchased this is March 2008, then they said I must have got old stock...


Hmmm, I think I will just keep using the old maps until the GPS dies. (& take the refund for now)




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Actually thinking this over a bit, can't you download the maps directly to your PC or MAC, then use(currently) BaseCamp or Mapsource, choose what regions you want and then transfer those regions to your GPS???


We can't do this anymore we have to use Garmin's program, at least that's what I was told, I tried to just download and it took me to the download the lifetime updater either Win or Mac.



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They also told me my NAV III was based on a 25 year old design


What utter rubbish some of the support people talk. One can only assume that Honda, HD and Triumph who based their own-label Sat-Navs on the Zumo 550, might have owners that run into similar trouble. Mind you, only BMW go to all the trouble of having a bespoke mounts and interfaces.

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BMW does make there Garmin versions become somewhat proprietary... I don't really know if that is a good thing. That is, the newest BMW NAV is a Zumo 660 or 665 BUT, it has some different firmware written to it... i.e., allows the buttons on a BMW side cradle to operate the Zumo, but then software upgrades that somewhat routinely come out for the Garmin 660 may not be applicable to the BMW model

(??? I'm not positive about this... so I said "may not")

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I've just spotted your thread. I have a Navigator 3 and have purchased lifetime updates. I know you're going for a refund, but I thought I'd let you know that I have had no problems updating my unit. I have had access to and updated at least 3 times.


I'm in the UK and purchased the Western Europe map, but I don't think that should make a difference.


Armed with the knowlwdge that the update can work, maybe you can get it to work in the future (if you forgive Garmin :) )

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I've just spotted your thread. I have a Navigator 3 and have purchased lifetime updates. I know you're going for a refund, but I thought I'd let you know that I have had no problems updating my unit. I have had access to and updated at least 3 times.


I'm in the UK and purchased the Western Europe map, but I don't think that should make a difference.


Armed with the knowlwdge that the update can work, maybe you can get it to work in the future (if you forgive Garmin :) )


I spoke at length with Garmin and they assured me a refund was the ONLY option available to me. The Garmin lifetime updater would never contact the server & they said that's right I could never, ever get updates for my NAV III+ regardless of what happens in the US/UK or other european countries!

They said if I wanted newer maps I would have to purchase a newer GPS cause people buy GPS's all the time. I told her no I still use my Nav III+ coz it works fine. I am also using a 6 year old TomTom GO910. If it works OK & I can still use why not. BTW I still get updates for that no problem! The tomtom software still works fine with my 6 year old GPS.


As for Garmin I will take the refund and keep using the GPS until it dies and hopefully I won't need to go to the new suburbs in Canberra too often.



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They also told me my NAV III was based on a 25 year old design


What utter rubbish some of the support people talk. One can only assume that Honda, HD and Triumph who based their own-label Sat-Navs on the Zumo 550, might have owners that run into similar trouble. Mind you, only BMW go to all the trouble of having a bespoke mounts and interfaces.


Sadly that's what Garmin support tell Nav III owners in Aus!

I believe the Zumo 550 is EOL here in Aus but Garmin lifetime updater works with this model still as does the Zumo 660. I am not prepared to pay the $999 to update to that model just to get new maps! The refund I am told takes 2-3 weeks to process so hope it comes thru OK.



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