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The Ultimate Farklized bike

Medic Mike

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And I thought I had thrown an insane amount of time and money at my Honda with Ohlins shock, reworked fork, OZ wheels, titanium bits, crash diet etc... :grin:

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This makes my planned power outlet modulator remote installation sound like picking your nose VS brain surgery.


A bit of an overkill IMO, but he must have the time and money.

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Farkling can be addictive but I can see how being prepared could be very important for certain riders that may end up out in the middle of nowhere. Although one might get more out in the middle of nowhere on an adventure tourer...

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If you keep reading he goes on to explain why he is doing what he did and what else he wants to add. Those Wingers are an odd bunch, fun to be around but slightly off.

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I know a Norwegian who flew over a few years ago to buy a Gold Wing with a sidecar — fully enclosed, with an air conditioner and TV with VHS player, plus a trailer long enough to hold Dracula's coffin. I stored it in my garage for a few weeks, and counted 54 lights. Wingers can get a little carried away.


Now, THIS is what I call ultimate farkling:



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Wow, there should be a TV show like the hoarding show on AE that covers obsessive farkling. I would watch it to see the crazy stuff people do.

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Wow, there should be a TV show like the hoarding show on AE that covers obsessive farkling. I would watch it to see the crazy stuff people do.




Please no more of those shows.


The Real wives of _________.

Storage guys of ________.

Repo gys of ________. (did you see the one about the big guy


ad nauseam...


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You must admit it is a very clean installation.


No one could criticize it, it could be a bit smaller perhaps, but given the resources available it is a remarkable job.


Perhaps just a bit over the top.


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When I did the 100cc back in 2003 with the Motorcycle Touring Forum (MTF), I saw quite few crazy setups like this, although not as advanced. That group rides an insane amount of endurance events. The wingers and Valkyrie riders really took the cake on over farkling.


You have to give the guy credit on his absolutely professional install no matter how over the top it seems.


The FLIR Seems like a very reasonable option option for dtecting those back road critters.


I have a picture of a 3 wheeler, 2 up front based on a BMW 1200 drivetrain. Think they are called Grimmel cars, and are a kit bike designed in the UK. I will try and find that and post it here.


We saw 4 that met out at a resort in Gateway, CO. One was farkled similar to the GW in this post.

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and here I was all this time figuring you for a rocker instead of a mod...

What do you think the drag coefficient is on that thing? Not to mention, no splitting lanes with a rig like that.

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This guy has done a few IBA rides, including the cross country one. He added an extra fuel tank, but I wonder if all that extra stuff would decrease that. I am very impressed with this. Now way in hades do I have the where with all and technical skill this man holds. If I just had 1/16th of his time, resources and skill I would 1/16th more more time, resources and skill.



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You don't seem to have the "spinner" on your handlebars or the big foam dice, or the bobblehead yet. A hula girl would fit somewhere on here too.

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Not that it matters much, I was just helping out frenchwv with his pic. :) I'd go off the road trying to operate all that gadgetry! :grin:


I do like the hula girl idea though! ;)




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Must be a commercial pilot.
I'm with you. I thought the trend was LESS switches/buttons/etc. on aircraft. The only thing missing is an artificial horizon. I wonder what the taxi weight of that Wing is.

My favorite line in the whole thread was from the guy who said "I love the Goldwing simple." Ain't that a contradiction in terms!

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