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Finger Operated Throttle?


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Has anyone out there in Beemer

Land heard of, seen it, or has a finger operated (not thumb) throttle on a 2005 R1200RT? If so, can the cruise control still be utilized? I'm facing right wrist fusion in the near future from a dumb fall I had not paying attention to where I was stepping down while preparing to strip and re-stain our deck. I've had 3 failed surgeries, the last one 3 bones were removed from my wrist. All I had was torn ligaments! I do not, will not, give up riding unless I am unable to swing a leg over. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I decided to move this post from Hexheads, over to Bike Related Things, just to see if I get a response here. :S

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Peter Parts

Use a throttle counter-force spring, see my write-up. You can make the throttle as light as you want (in fact, too light for safety). Costs 28-cents and takes a half-hour to sort out, the first time.


Then it should also be easy to change the throttle sleeve to something that works with your limitations.


Funny how little thought has ever gone into the right force/result curve and physical design for throttles, either car* or bike. Twisting a throttle - esp the modern quarter-turn jobbies like the Oilheads - is not a clever way to trim your speed. And doubly-so when you need strong springs to ensure the butterflies return to idle position.



*Lotsa attention to Toyotas that speed up "by themselves"... esp with distracted drivers at the wheel. While prolly no defect of the mechanical Toyota parts, a BIG defect of Toyota's or Audi's ergo design.



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Has anyone out there in Beemer

Land heard of, seen it, or has a finger operated (not thumb) throttle on a 2005 R1200RT? If so, can the cruise control still be utilized? I'm facing right wrist fusion in the near future from a dumb fall I had not paying attention to where I was stepping down while preparing to strip and re-stain our deck. I've had 3 failed surgeries, the last one 3 bones were removed from my wrist. All I had was torn ligaments! I do not, will not, give up riding unless I am unable to swing a leg over. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I decided to move this post from Hexheads, over to Bike Related Things, just to see if I get a response here. :S


You might want to wait to see how you do after the fusion. My wrist is fused to a significant degree from arthritis. I have zero problems riding any of my bikes, and this includes my R1100RT which does not have cruise and is routinely ridden 800+ miles in a single day.

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Morning Kenny


Lots of real complex things you could do to get a finger operated throttle. Most are way too intrusive or involve hacking up your throttle system to make operate.


Personally if I needed short term finger throttle control I would buy a couple of "throttle rockers" or "wrist rests" then install backwards with the paddle on the front or top, or front bottom (or wherever it will help).


You might be able to find a mounting position that will simply allow resting your hand on the grip then using a finger to push on the added repositioned throttle rocker paddle.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, eddd. That's what I'll do for sure, until I see how it is. With 3 failed surgeries already and 3 removed bones, my movement is quite limited now, and I still ride.


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r77toy, Yeah, but Mert's an old racer, what does he know? Kidding.

I'll give it a shot, can't hurt. Thank you so much.



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Hi Jerry (Great last name!!, Me too.). Many years ago in a land and time far, far away, I had enough trouble riding a BSA 650 Lightning with the shifter on the wrong side, I don't think I would want to mess with the throttle, unless it's my only option. Thanks for your help, anyway. Much appreciated.


Ken (Johnston)

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Hi D.R., Now there's a simple thought I never would have thought of. If nothing else, it would be a cheap way to start. Thanks, so much.


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Hi BULLman, That's what most people usually come up with first when I ask anyone. I'm sure it could be rigged, but, probably a little complicated. Thanks for the thought, anyway. Much appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jerry, Thanks again for your attempt to help me with my problem.

However, the situation does not involve a "throttle lock", it involves the Electronic "Cruise Control" that comes with the R1200RT.

Take Care up there,


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