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Etymotic 6i replacements?


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I have had the etymotic 6i for two years and loved the fit and sound, although bass response was mediocre at best IMHO. One side of my set went dead so I am looking to replace them but the 6 si model is no longer being sold. I'd like to replace them with another set, preferably etymotics but the HF 5 model appears larger and angled differently than the 6 si? Im concerned these wont fit under the helmet as comfortably as the 6 si model. Does anyone have any experience in using a different model coming from the 6si model?

Thanks for any suggestions,


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Did you try replacing the filter? Ear wax can get on the filter and drastically cut down the sound level.



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Don't buy these.


I did



Ditto on Whip's observation. I tried his set last week and they are terrible under a helmet.


I have a set of Klipsch s3 on order and arriving tomorrow. The length of the bud and wire angle look very similar to the er6i. I'll be sure to post a review as soon as I have the opportunity to spend some time with them.


I got the idea for these from this post . I went with the s3 rather than the s4 since this is more of a "try it and see" purchase.

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Don't buy these.


I did



Ditto on Whip's observation. I tried his set last week and they are terrible under a helmet.


I have a set of Klipsch s3 on order and arriving tomorrow. The length of the bud and wire angle look very similar to the er6i. I'll be sure to post a review as soon as I have the opportunity to spend some time with them.


I got the idea for these from this post . I went with the s3 rather than the s4 since this is more of a "try it and see" purchase.


I look forward to your report.



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