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Singing Gerbing's Customer Service


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Okay, here is the story:


Two weeks ago at Willville Motorcycle Campground, I busted a plug in the right sleeve of my Gerbing Jacket Liner, thus rendering my right glove inoperable for heat. Bummer, as the ride home to Greer, SC was going to be somewhat chilly. But I survived surprisingly unscathed by the cold.


Get home, contact Gerbings the next day, get the info on sending the jacket back. They said the normal turn around is a couple of weeks, but since I am in SC, I can send it to their new location in Stoneville, NC. I get authorization to have it sent back and am told the plug will be replaced/repaired. Now, have you, this is the old style heating element jacket, not the Microwire stuff. All my other Gerbings is the latest (pant liner, G3 Gloves, and heated insoles).


So, I send it out late last week and lo and behold, a box comes in to work this morning. I expect to open it up and find my old jacket repaired. Instead is a new Microwire jacket replacing my old one, which was out of warranty. I was both shocked and pleasantly surprised. This is truly great customer service and I will be sure to mention this to as many people as I can when the topic of heated gear comes up.


It is rare these days to be surprised as a customer. So often we get used and abused by the vendor of this and that and are made to feel like we owe them. Not in this case. So Kudos to Fernando and crew. Great job and thank you so much!



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Thanks for sharing a positive customer experience. Human nature is that we more readily share the negative, so it really helps when we share good events like this.


I had a positive experience with them a few months ago, and I'm glad to hear you did too.

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I currently have a Venture heat brand, but when/if it fails (12 month warranty), I'll replace it with a Gerbings... I've just heard too many good things about them and their warranty.



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good customer service is what a buisness should be about.I had the same experience with Garmin a few years ago.I bought a used older 2720 from a guy in CA and apon delivery to me found the display fogged up.Called Garmin customer service who said to mail it to them.A couple weeks later they sent me a brand new 2820 with full warrenty.Yes,its too often we only hear the negative stories.

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