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Original Beemer Buddies grips report


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Because my death grip style of riding had worn my grips down to almost smooth, I'd been considering replacements for a while. I'd even bought a set of OEM style replacements but was putting off installing them because I was worried about damaging the heating elements. About the time my tennis racket tape was getting raggedy, AdirondackJack put out the word that he was selling grip covers--the Original Beemer Buddies. They looked interesting enough to try.


Well, they're everything he said they were. They go on easily and can be adjusted once on (a big plus for those of us who sometimes screw up), add a little, but not too much, bulk to the grips, and only slow the heating speed of the grips slightly. I did have to adjust the spacing on my throttlemiester a few weeks after installing them, but don't know if they really had anything to do with it. I took the easy way out and just added a small washer between the grip tube and the bar end.


They are a neoprene type rubber with tape at one end and velcro on the other. Simply tape it in a straight line along the existing handgrip, wrap it around until it connects the velcro to the back side of the taped end. If you get lumps or irregular wrapping, just peel it up and start again. Because the material stretches, you can just pull a little harder around the fat parts to get an even seam.





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I tried a set of grip buddies and I did damage the heat element in one of my grips. Decided I really didn't need them and went back to using stock grips as they were.

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