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Radar detectors


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Well now that you've all helped me arrive at a zumo decision, the next

Farkle I want to think about is a radar detector. I'm not a speed demon by any stretch, but I do enjoy running fast on the highways. Of those of you who use one, which one SFO you use, and why? Ive been thinking of the adaptive. Any advise? This will go on the 2010R1200RT, along with a zumo and an auto com.


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Paul Mihalka

If you want to go low cost, on ebay you can find the Escort 8500 sold by the factory refurbished, for $150. It worked for me.

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If you want to go low cost, on ebay you can find the Escort 8500 sold by the factory refurbished, for $150. It worked for me.


Thats a good piece of info. Thanks Paul. I wanted to make a purchase before heading West for the UN.

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Valentine One (V-1). There is no substitute.



Yup. Saved me more then a few times. TBS you still have to use common sense and pay attention.

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I've been happy with the two Escort 8500s I use - one in car, one on RT. They have been completely reliable for several years and give me all the range and info I want or need.


The Valentine is also a great unit, but too pricey for me. Plus, when the RD goes off I really don't care whether the bogey is in front, behind, to the side, or underground - I'm dropping speed fast! (Is that an oxymoron?)


There is also the theory that even cheap detectors work well enough and can be easily replaced when stolen or damaged. There is also the belief (mine) that RDs are becoming less and less useful as the defenders of the public safety get more laser guns.


Or we could just slow down and enjoy the ride, I guess.


pete, R120RT

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Escort. I had an 8500 before and now a 9500 series. Note the 8500 went through a revision and was made significantly more sensitive than it used to be. I was riding with a buddy who had it while I ran the older unit and the advance notice was considerably sooner on his.


I enjoy the GPS-related features of the 9500 (no alerts at low speed, tagging speed traps, ability to lock-out fixed non-LEO locations you always pass on a commute).

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Escort. I had an 8500 before and now a 9500 series. Note the 8500 went through a revision and was made significantly more sensitive than it used to be. I was riding with a buddy who had it while I ran the older unit and the advance notice was considerably sooner on his.


I enjoy the GPS-related features of the 9500 (no alerts at low speed, tagging speed traps, ability to lock-out fixed non-LEO locations you always pass on a commute).


My buddy at work has one of the 9500 models and has been really impressed with it. We both travel some of the same back roads on the way home from work and I know it has saved his bacon 3-4 times in the past year.


My only hang up with spending that kind of coin is that it would be pretty much useless here in PA. Only State Troopers are allowed to use radar and laser in PA. All local LEO's are forced to use VASCAR, and that obviously can't be detected. I very rarely travel on State Trooper infested roads.

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I went with the Adaptive a couple of years ago and have no complaints. It works (paid for itself many times over), its water proof, and it is a snap to remove and stow when I leave the bike. I have the LED visual alert with mine and found that it works like a charm in virtually all light conditions. It is a very directional light source and must be mounted so that the display is pointing directly at your face.

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I use the Escort Solo, i.e. the battery-powered model. Power cords are too much trouble.


And--unlike Valentine last time I checked--an earphone jack is not an extra cost option.

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