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Camera's GPS feature - little help.


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A few months ago I bought a digital camera with the built-in GPS feature, but so far the GPS barely performs. The idea is to geo-tag my pics so I know where they were taken and so that maybe I could add thumbnails to a tour track.


The camera is the Panasonic DMC-TS3, a so-called "tough" model. As I understand its GPS feature, it's supposed to record the position (and elev. and compass) of each shot to memory for eventual downloading. What I've experienced is that this happens only about 25% of the time, and furthermore the positions it does acquire often are not updated for the next shot. I carry the camera in my jacket pocket so maybe it's not able to obtain a sufficiently clear view of the satellites.


Maybe one answer is to stop for each shot and wait until the display shows that a fix has been acquired, but this is contrary to my no-stop left hand shooting method - which I don't want to give up.


My question is, is this normal performance for GPS cameras? So far I'm a little disappointed in its suitability for motorcycling.


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Not sure about your specific model, but a satellite fix is required for the GPS feature to work. It's possible that the GPS feature is passive and only works when the camera is on. See if there is a menu option to enable GPS tracking constantly. If there is, it would reduce batter life but work as expected.


Alternatively, try mounting your camera on the bike.

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As an aside, the new(ish) Garmin Montana series of GPS have a built-in camera on two of the three models in the series (for doing exactly what you're doing) That said, I'm not suggesting you ditch your camera, just letting others know such a feature is available. The Montana, marketed as a hand-held, is quite suitable for motorcycles (rugged powered mount is an available accessory).

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I have a TS-3, have not used it tagging yet. I will ride this weekend and see what results I get and get back to you.



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A few months ago I bought a digital camera with the built-in GPS feature


FWIW, some consider this a security problem.


That is, internet posting of photos containing GPS information can provide those will ill intentions, for example, the location of your house.


First postings I've seen on this refer to "dating" sites, but still how many photos on bike sites show license plate blurred out?

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