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Cup holders


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Does anyone have suggestion for high quality cup holder for a 1150rt? I've been looking for something to hold my coffee cup with no luck other than the cheep chinese ebay crap. Thanks

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Thanks for the suggestions Jim, but all of these mount the same way as the rest I have found- by clamping around the handle bar. R series bikes don't have a way to clamp anything anywhere on the bars- especially the RT-P, like I have. I am thinking of something that will mount on top of the fuel tank, or from the dash- without blocking the insterments. I use my bike mostly for commuting and it sure would be nice to slurp the Starbucks java while cruising on the slab.

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You can mount the RAM ball between the handle bars. Mount the ball with one of the handle bar mounting bolts. (you will need a longer bolt) Then have your cup holder sitting back over the tank. I ran my GPS that way for a several thousand miles.

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My tank bag has a hydro pack. I'm looking to create a fitting to connect it to the helmet and run a movable/removable straw inside the helmet. If anyone has ever been in the military and had a gas mask you know what I'm saying.

Drink while you drive. That coupled with a special condom catheter running down the leg and next to the boot would limit stops to fuel/food/recreational/number 2




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