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Mapsource questions


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:dopeslap: I don't use Mapsource frequently enough to remember how to do certain things, and need some help.


1. I have a route saved, but want to cut off part of it (from the beginning of the route). The point where I want to end the cut-off part doesn't have a via point. How do I do this?


2. Then at the other end of the route I need to add a section. I can't figure out how to do that, either; adding waypoints doesn't work.


Thanks in advance. I wish Mapsource was a little simpler to use. Or I was smarter. :dopeslap:

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There may be several ways to do this, but here is how I do it:


1. Position the pointer over the end-point of where you want the cutoff to be. Make a waypoint there. Add it to the route in the right order. It will then recalcualte, but not modify the route since it is already on the calculated route. Once this is done, go back in to the route and remove all of the waypoints up to, but not including the one you just added. Again it will recalculate and you're done.

2. Create waypoints for all the new places you want to go, then add them to the route, again in the correct order. Mapsource will then recalculate, extending the route to include your new waypoints.


I am leaving out some detail, so if this does not make sense, let me know and I can go step-by-step.



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I just go to near the beginning or end of the route, drag the route over the point I want to be the new starting or stopping point, then delete all the waypoints in the section of the route that I no longer want.

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Bring up the route in MapSource and open up the route properties. This will display the Via Points, Directions and Notes on three tabs. You can easily alter the route by deleting Via Points, or adding new ones using Cut & Paste. Once Via Points have been added or deleted, recalculate the route. Experiment with this and it will become obvious. PM me if you're still stuck.

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:dopeslap: I don't use Mapsource frequently enough to remember how to do certain things, and need some help.


1. I have a route saved, but want to cut off part of it (from the beginning of the route). The point where I want to end the cut-off part doesn't have a via point. How do I do this?


2. Then at the other end of the route I need to add a section. I can't figure out how to do that, either; adding waypoints doesn't work.


Thanks in advance. I wish Mapsource was a little simpler to use. Or I was smarter. :dopeslap:



2. First select the ROUTE tool. Then hover it (the ROUTE tool/mouse pointer) over the endpoint, right-click and choose the "Select Route" option then the "Extend Route" option. Finally, just drag the line to the new endpoint. It might take a few tries to hover the pointer over the precise point to get the correct spot for the right click.


1. Select the ROUTE tool. Hover it over the route between the beginning waypoint and the second point. Right click, select ROUTE from the pop-up menu, select INSERT ROUTE SECTION, point to the "point where I want to end the cut-off part" and click. Now you have a waypoint where you want to start the route. Right click the beginning waypoint and delete the waypoint. Now the route begins where you want it to.




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reply from jsmith is a good one if you know how to edit waypoints.


Add your new waypoints.

Save the route file.

Open the file with your route on it... the one after you have added the new waypoint(s).

In the left-hand pane click on the route name.

See the list of waypoints... click on the one you want to remove

Hit Delete


Note... if you want to rearrange waypoints click on the one you want to move and use the arrows on the left to move it up or down in the sequence.

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Thanks, all, very helpful (except for Albert, of course). I got the route worked out, dropped sections and added others. Very much appreciated.

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