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How do you mount your GPS and Radar Detector?


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I'm ordering a zumo and a radar detector for my 2010 R1200 RT. What's the conventional wisdom regarding where and which mount to use? Planning to use autocom under the seat. Does anyone mount the RD in a "hidden" location on the bike or just up top with the handlebars?I've got a GPS little shelf made to fit on top of the dash just inside the windshield. Not sure how the unit attaches to this flat shelf though. Any ideas/experience would be appreciated.


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I've got a simple set up with ram mounts clamped to the handlebars for the GPS and radar detector. GPS is on the left and the radar detector is on the right. It's all situated comfortably.

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I'm using the BMW mount for my Zumo 550. Sits right in the middle, below the instruments. Great spot, easy to reach, generally out of direct sunlight.



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Here is the most elegant and sturdy mount I have found. Offers the option of three RAM balls.


Puts the GPS in your line of site, where, IMO it should be while riding.

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Here is the most elegant and sturdy mount I have found. Offers the option of three RAM balls.


Puts the GPS in your line of site, where, IMO it should be while riding.



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Yes, I keep my RD under the right side of the fairing, in front of the speaker grill (no speakers). I have a factory refurb Escort. I turned the laser off (no point to it, as far as I'm concerned), turned all the lights off, turned X-band off (not used anywhere, gets rid of almost all false alarms), set the startup sequence to just be a couple beeps, and added a remote mute button (ten bucks or so), drilling a hole in the ESA control module on the left side of the bar so I can reach it with my thumb.


The mount is nothing more than a piece of foam with some zip ties holding the RD in place, wrapped around the round fairing support under there.


The RD goes to the Autocom via the mute button. Works every time. I remember having to get a mono-to-stereo plug adapter, but no longer remember why...try it without, first.


Here's the link to the mute button: http://safe-n-sound1.com/


I don't intend to start a debate on "which RD" but when I ride with other guys mine seems to go off at least as early as all the others.


It's weather proof. It's out of sight. As my cop friends tell me, if they see a RD, you get an award.


As far as the GPS is concerned, the BMR shelf is perfect. I also had a Migsel mount, and it, too works, but NOT with a CalSci shield...the latter causes a lot of vibration on the Migsel-mounted GPS.


Clickable pix:




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Yes, I keep my RD under the right side of the fairing, in front of the speaker grill (no speakers). I have a factory refurb Escort. I turned the laser off (no point to it, as far as I'm concerned), turned all the lights off, turned X-band off (not used anywhere, gets rid of almost all false alarms), set the startup sequence to just be a couple beeps, and added a remote mute button (ten bucks or so), drilling a hole in the ESA control module on the left side of the bar so I can reach it with my thumb.


The mount is nothing more than a piece of foam with some zip ties holding the RD in place, wrapped around the round fairing support under there.


The RD goes to the Autocom via the mute button. Works every time. I remember having to get a mono-to-stereo plug adapter, but no longer remember why...try it without, first.


Here's the link to the mute button: http://safe-n-sound1.com/


I don't intend to start a debate on "which RD" but when I ride with other guys mine seems to go off at least as early as all the others.


It's weather proof. It's out of sight. As my cop friends tell me, if they see a RD, you get an award.


Thats a nice setup. Thanks for the link to that site as well. :thumbsup:

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Just make sure that you don't bring your RD to Virginia,... here if they are seen by a LEO, you not only get an award, but you get the bonus of CONFISCATION. They are totally illegal to possess in VA.

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Jakfrost, a member here who lives in Ontario, machines a beautiful base mount that works with RAM system components. By using different length dogbones, you can have a pretty wide variety of positioning. I use a 2" dogbone, at about 45° left of center, which puts my GPS just at the base of the instrument panel, obscuring nothing, but easily visible, and accessible to my left hand.

Pictures here: RAM Mount Instructions

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I have the BMR Shelf too. Customer service is excellent. I had a part break last summer, Brett sent me out a new one, no questions asked (I had sent a photo). When I had trouble getting full steering after my GPS was mounted, Brett called me and we figured out the problem....and solved it.


Good quality, good service, happy customer!

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Mark, thanks for the pictures. What does the mute button do? Nice installation.


The mute button quiets the radar detector once it alerts you. A decent detector will alert you a few miles ahead of the danger. The last thing you want to do is listen to the thing scream at you for 2-3 miles with growing intensity as you get closer. So once you are alerted, you can simply tap the mute button and it will shut down that alert. This is just temporary for the current alert. The next one will come back at full volume.

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Jakfrost, a member here who lives in Ontario, machines a beautiful base mount that works with RAM system components. By using different length dogbones, you can have a pretty wide variety of positioning. I use a 2" dogbone, at about 45° left of center, which puts my GPS just at the base of the instrument panel, obscuring nothing, but easily visible, and accessible to my left hand.

Pictures here: RAM Mount Instructions


Hey Selden,


That looks like a nice clean install! I've been looking at different install locations and was wondering how does a tankbag affect your view in that location?



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Hey Selden,


That looks like a nice clean install! I've been looking at different install locations and was wondering how does a tankbag affect your view in that location?



I don't use a tankbag :grin:


If I did, I would probably fit a 3" (or longer) dogbone.

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I just ordered one of the GPS mounts from jakfrost, he says that he is not making any more but has two left, I bought one so one is available for a lucky rider. I will be using it with a tank bag so it seems that a longer dog bone will be needed 5" I am guessing. I have scoured this board and it seems to be the best fit for me. I appreciate all the knowledge that riders have put into the GPS mounts sections.

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I think you will be pleased. When I mounted it, I expressed some concern that the mount is just a press fit in the hole for the steering head pivot. He said that's why there is a grooved section at the bottom, and not to worry — the connection would probably be tight enough to lift the front end using the mount. It's been absolutely rock solid, and is very unobtrusive when I remove the GPS and dogbone.


Now, if I could just find a GPS with a really bright screen...


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Yes, the mount looks to be the ticket. I looked at the shelves and they are fugly, but functional. I will only use the GPS occasional and really dont want to alter the beautiful lines of the cockpit. I have used a suction mount that attaches to the speedo window but dont trust it 100%. I have a nuvi 1450 that I have been using in the car for a few years and it does the job without a lot of options that I really dont need. The one thing that I am on the hunt for is a waterproofing system that is clean. I saw the RAM aqua box and really dont want this it is big and not what I want. I have used a 1 gallon baggie with a twist tie at the bottom and this worked but soon became foggy. Any Ideas??

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I guess I'm going to be the oddball of the bunch, as usual.


I want a RD, but I want it to be stealth hidden, waterproofed, and permanently mounted.


Unfortunately, the options to mount a Valentine 1 (one option) hidden at the front of the bike negate the rear sensor, so I've narrowed my thought process down to two options. I do not deny that one of them is excessive, but as an engineer, I typically overdo it.


1) Two Valentine 1 detectors. One mounted up front, behind the screens in the fairing, on top of the oil cooler or just in front of. The other, mounted at the rear of the bike in the tail or rear fender, with a piece notched out to allow the sensor a clear line of sight out the tail. Wire both of these into one remote display, possibly hidden in the mirror, and the remote audio hooked up with 12v to the bike and a bluetooth dongle to get the sound into the Sena


2) Escort 9500ci with all the bells and whistles. Little bit harder to conceal the display. There's more options with placement of everything and I like that.


The dual V1 option is still less than the 9500ci as far as $$.


I have friends with the V1 and I have been convinced that it works very well. The 9500ci is an unknown as I have no personal experience with it, but it does get good reviews.


Not sure I'm fishing for anything here, just talking out loud.

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Seems to me (I've been also wanting a stealth RD install) that concealing the RD in the fairing will negate the ability of the unit to alert to laser, so you've already just minimized it's usefulness. I just talked to the guys at rocketmoto this week about this subject and they pretty well convinced me to keep it in the open or it would not be very effective. I'd like to keep it hidden and permanently mounted too if you find good answer.


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Seems to me (I've been also wanting a stealth RD install) that concealing the RD in the fairing will negate the ability of the unit to alert to laser, so you've already just minimized it's usefulness. I just talked to the guys at rocketmoto this week about this subject and they pretty well convinced me to keep it in the open or it would not be very effective. I'd like to keep it hidden and permanently mounted too if you find good answer.



I'd like to hear that someone avoided a ticket by getting a laser alert...no offense intended...I just don't think there's much point in the laser function.

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Just make sure that you don't bring your RD to Virginia,... here if they are seen by a LEO, you not only get an award, but you get the bonus of CONFISCATION. They are totally illegal to possess in VA.
This is why I use the cruise control. Set for max allowed mph and no worries.

I still want a V1 so I watch these threads with great interest. I have seen the laser function prove useful while a passenger in a cage going at "extra-legal" speeds.

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I'd like to hear that someone avoided a ticket by getting a laser alert...no offense intended...I just don't think there's much point in the laser function.


I have a V1 and have had the laser work on several occasions (at least 5 times for me). The beam has a large effective diameter at distances used to detect speed. When aimed at a car, quite a bit will pass under the car and can be picked up by the detector. If you are the first vehicle, the detector may not be much help.

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Doesn't anyone except markgoodrich mount their RD in or under the fairing?



I think mounting it under the fairing is great expect for two things.......


#1 I don't have an RT. No cubby holes on my GS.

#2 I would want to be able to easily remove it for use in the car. Not so much because I want to be a speed demon, but because thats the only way I think you would ever be able to get comfortable enough with it to use it effectivly. What I mean by that is learning what the different beeps are, setting it up properly, and knowing what false alarms look like versus a real threat. That is stuff that is pretty hard to learn when you can't see the display and/or fiddle with the buttons during use.

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Doesn't anyone except markgoodrich mount their RD in or under the fairing?




I also mounted my V1 in the fairing - the glovebox actually. I also mounted the remote display where the radio display was. I used a momentary switch as a mute button in the mirror mount. I traded the questionable laser capability for stealth and security. The radar alerts have been flawless so far.






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Better yet, I'll tell you how to find his info.


Click on "User List" at the top of this page.

Search for "Jakfrost"

Click on his name.

Look around for a link that says "Send Personal Message" or something like that.


Good luck. I have one of his mounts on my RT and love it.

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Some purty stuff you boys have there, really clean mounts.


However, there is a nuther way....


2 inch sticky back velcro from Wallyworld :clap: on the shelf and on the bottom of yer V-1. Mines been like that now for a couple a years, on and off EZ to share with the wifes Hot Rod convertible!


(And real quick to hide from Mr Leo, hard to BS yer way outta a speedin' ticket with that thing in plain view) :dopeslap:



Ya'lls welcome :thumbsup:



Don J :wave:

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Doesn't anyone except markgoodrich mount their RD in or under the fairing?



I think mounting it under the fairing is great expect for two things.......


...learning what the different beeps are, setting it up properly, and knowing what false alarms look like versus a real threat. That is stuff that is pretty hard to learn when you can't see the display and/or fiddle with the buttons during use.


Well, not really, Keith, at least in my opinion. As I have said, I think laser alerts are simply notifications you got tagged, so I don't care about them. False alarms are almost all K-band, and as far as I know no one uses K band any more, so it's turned off, too. That leaves X-band. Doesn't take long, listening, to learn whether an alert is from the front or the rear (rear alerts "appear" when you approach, say, a semi-trailer, or a big road sign, something the signal bounces off of...it's intermittent). Suzanne and I just spent four days on the bike in three different states. Zero false alarms, lots of legitimate alarms, several saves. We saw two different laser units in use, both in Hillsboro, TX, out on the Interstate...the guys were almost ludicrously obvious, sitting by the side of the road aiming their guns...catching people, though.

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Doesn't anyone except markgoodrich mount their RD in or under the fairing?



I think mounting it under the fairing is great expect for two things.......


...learning what the different beeps are, setting it up properly, and knowing what false alarms look like versus a real threat. That is stuff that is pretty hard to learn when you can't see the display and/or fiddle with the buttons during use.


Well, not really, Keith, at least in my opinion. As I have said, I think laser alerts are simply notifications you got tagged, so I don't care about them. False alarms are almost all K-band, and as far as I know no one uses K band any more, so it's turned off, too. That leaves X-band. Doesn't take long, listening, to learn whether an alert is from the front or the rear (rear alerts "appear" when you approach, say, a semi-trailer, or a big road sign, something the signal bounces off of...it's intermittent). Suzanne and I just spent four days on the bike in three different states. Zero false alarms, lots of legitimate alarms, several saves. We saw two different laser units in use, both in Hillsboro, TX, out on the Interstate...the guys were almost ludicrously obvious, sitting by the side of the road aiming their guns...catching people, though.


I think you got the K and X backwards in your response.

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Doesn't anyone except markgoodrich mount their RD in or under the fairing?



I think mounting it under the fairing is great expect for two things.......


...learning what the different beeps are, setting it up properly, and knowing what false alarms look like versus a real threat. That is stuff that is pretty hard to learn when you can't see the display and/or fiddle with the buttons during use.


Well, not really, Keith, at least in my opinion. As I have said, I think laser alerts are simply notifications you got tagged, so I don't care about them. False alarms are almost all K-band, and as far as I know no one uses K band any more, so it's turned off, too. That leaves X-band. Doesn't take long, listening, to learn whether an alert is from the front or the rear (rear alerts "appear" when you approach, say, a semi-trailer, or a big road sign, something the signal bounces off of...it's intermittent). Suzanne and I just spent four days on the bike in three different states. Zero false alarms, lots of legitimate alarms, several saves. We saw two different laser units in use, both in Hillsboro, TX, out on the Interstate...the guys were almost ludicrously obvious, sitting by the side of the road aiming their guns...catching people, though.


I think you got the K and X backwards in your response.


Correct, Ed, but it doesn't matter, no one pays any attention to my comments anyway.

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I'm a fan of BMR products they have worked well for me on my R1150RT.


Amen. The gps sits nice and high. A quick look is quick and gets me back to looking ahead. The company is first rate; if you have an issue they fix it. I asked to buy spare screws for their rear seat rack and the just sent them for free.

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Doespo the unit have a clear line of sight out the front?Does it have to see through screens or is it under your fairing ?


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Doespo the unit have a clear line of sight out the front?Does it have to see through screens or is it under your fairing ?



He said it is mounted in the glove box. Personaly, I think that is a great location if you have an RT. It doesn't need line of sight front or rear to pick up K, KA, or X radar. Those radar signals will go right through the plastic fairing. I know a few guys that keep their detectors in their tank bags as well with good results. The only downside is that you lose the ability to pick up laser/lidar because that needs direct line of site. Most people agree that isn't a big deal because if you are detecting laser alerts, then you are usually already popped. If the officer has an unsteady hand or you can manage to catch a reflected beam then sometimes you can pick it up when they are firing it at another vehicle, but most of the time its aimed at you and its too late. For reference, a laser beam used for traffic enforcement is only about 18" in diamater at 500ft. So unless Mr. Officer has had too much coffee that morning, they are usually pretty accurate.

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It is in the glove box so it does not have a clear line of sight out of the front. It doesn't seem to matter to the V1 though.

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Jakfrost, a member here who lives in Ontario, machines a beautiful base mount that works with RAM system components. By using different length dogbones, you can have a pretty wide variety of positioning. I use a 2" dogbone, at about 45° left of center, which puts my GPS just at the base of the instrument panel, obscuring nothing, but easily visible, and accessible to my left hand.

Pictures here: RAM Mount Instructions


A nice alternative to Jakfrost mount is this RAM ball: White Horse Gear

It mounts just to the left or right of where Jak's mount is.

I use it and the RAM mount quickly comes off for when I don't use or want the GPS.

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