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I Made the Mistake of Updating my Garmin Maps


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Now it's back to something it's done for years--when I transfer routes designed in MapSource to my Zumo, it adds little small detours. If I use the recalculate to try and fix it, it will sometimes route me on dirt roads which the Garmin maps show as paved.


I've raised this many times with Garmin tech support and they simply deny that it happens.

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Morning RockBottom


What you are getting seems to pop up from time to time for different reasons.


As far as I can tell one of the leading reasons is making a route in MapSouce with one map version then transferring it to a GPS using a different version map.


So MAKE SURE you are using the same map version in MapSource as is in your GPS unit. Just because you updated your maps doesn't mean that MapSurce or the GPS are using those maps (verify both map versions are the same version)


Next, is the possibility you have multiple maps in your GPS that are both turned on. If somehow two map versions are present & both cover the same area you can get some very strange routes when transferred to the GPS. (verify only one map is turned on in your GPS). On the GPS main screen click on WRENCH, then click on MAP, then MAP INFO, then make sure only one map has a tick mark & that map matches what you are using in MapSource.


On your routes-- If you have saved older routes made on a previous version map those really should be re-calculated in MapSource using the current map version matching what's currently in your GPS. If the maps are just a bit different the via points will not fall in the same places so that really drives route transfers crazy.


In MapSource make sure the upper left hand drop down box shows the same map version as in your GPS.


In MapSource under EDIT,,,PREFERENCES,,,ROUTING,,, make sure all your routing preferences are set correctly & all avoidances un-ticked.


On the GPS under NAVIGATION,, make sure ROUTE PREFERENCES are set correctly.


Lastly-- if you have routes saved on your GPS-- re-import them back into MapSource & re-calculate them to the new map version. Then set the zoom to about 1 mile or less & go over the route to verify all the via points are actually on the road & on the correct side of divided roads. Any via point or waypoint that is not on the road or on the correct side of the road will drive a route crazy when transferred to the GPS.



If still no joy then re-down load the maps ONLY into MapSource then use the map select tool in MapSource to send that map to the GPS (this is how I ALWAYS down load & install newer map updates).


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I've done all of those things many times. I can't believe Garmin can't program their devices to just transfer a route from MapSource to the device without trying to "improve" it. I have one route I've tried to transfer 6-8 today. The Zumo insists on adding dirt road short cuts that were not in the route as I designed it on MapSoure. I tried adding a bunch of waypoints at those intersections and the Zumo just ignores them.

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Paul In Australia

I have had similar issues but I use base camp.

I have sorted most issues using Dirtriders check list.

What I want to know is how I delete the older versions of maps( that i don't want) from my zumo 660? Cant find a way to do that successfully.



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With BaseCamp I had to select car instead of motorcycle or it won't route me on interstates.





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