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Carrying Change (for tolls)


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I know a number of you who regularly travel toll roads use Ezpass (or the local equivalent) in lieu of handling change. I don't regularly travel toll roads (there's not many around here) but when I'm on the road on business I do hit areas where they're prevalent. I have one of these Touratech handlebar bags but still wind up fumbling with change. Anyone have any clever solutions they've come up with.

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Guest Kakugo

If you use a tank bag use a small Ziploc bag (one pint will do nicely but a quarter gallon will allow a gloved hand to fit better) to carry the coins inside. Put it inside one of the side pockets and you are good to go. :)

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I have a small, zippered "window" pocket on my left sleeve just above the wrist. I put bills in there. When I reach the toll booth, I extend my left arm and tell the attendant that I have money in the pocket. I then ask them to unzip it, take what they need, put any change back in the pocket and zip it up. I've never had anyone refuse to do it, though a few have a had a good chuckle.

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Quarter dispenser?




I like that. I've actually thought about the old time change dispensers (like the waitresses on roller skates wore on their belt) but I have no need for pennies. Didn't know they made quarter only dispensers.

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I have a small, zippered "window" pocket on my left sleeve just above the wrist. I put bills in there. When I reach the toll booth, I extend my left arm and tell the attendant that I have money in the pocket. I then ask them to unzip it, take what they need, put any change back in the pocket and zip it up. I've never had anyone refuse to do it, though a few have a had a good chuckle.


I have one of those sleeve pockets too (not windowed) but it doesn't seem that convenient (especially with gloves). I never thought of making it self serve though. :grin:

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I used to have a coin holder on my Sportster - no wait, not just a coin holder - a GENUINE Harley-Davidson coin holder!




I'm sure a quick search of your local UJM or Harley catalog would reveal similar items. When not in use you just pull it straight off the bracket, and the bracket remains affixed to the handlebars.



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How long does it take to stop, reach in a pocket of your choice, pay

the man and return any change to your pocket? Then continue on your way.

I just try to keep it simple.

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Al, Article in my (NJ) paper today about how the trend is now to eliminate manned tollbooths completely. NJ's toll collectors have been reduced in number the past couple of years and all were told they will be completely done away with in middle 2013. PA also agrees that they will save $$$. It'll be just E-Z Pass and license plate photos and mailing of toll bills to those that don't have E-Z Pass. The long range plan is to eliminate all toll plazas completely (eventually) YAAAY! Should have been done years ago. The only sticking point is how to enforce collection of out of state registered vehicles, which is a not small sum what with all the trucks that use the NJ Turnpike. I guess simple reciprocity agreements to have each state collect for the other would solve that issue.

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I used a hose clamp to tie a large spring steel type paper clip to my handlebar. Money is ready to go at tolls. Cost? Nuthing.

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Paul Mihalka

The rare occasions I go on toll roads, I put bills in the tank bag map holder and dump the change in my jacket pocket.

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I keep dollar bills rolled and separated with small rubber bands in my tank bag. The best part is I've never needed them. So in the event I do need them I'll probably forget I have them!!

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I preplan by having single bills in L hand pants pocket, zipped closed.

As needed, open zipper count out ones throw change in pocket, zip.


2 up

Much easier, Beth just gives them the money.

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Just run the ez-pass lane. A red light blinks because you don't have the pass, a picture is snapped, bill arrives at your door.



p.s.- this option may be more expensive when you figure in the fine.

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Just run the ez-pass lane. A red light blinks because you don't have the pass, a picture is snapped, bill arrives at your door.



p.s.- this option may be more expensive when you figure in the fine.


You forgot to mention the borrowing your neighbor's license plate from his Honda 250 that he has mercilessly parked behind his shed for the past 10 years. Serves him right :grin:

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While in England I visited Vines dealership. The guys told me that groups of m/c would go slowly thru toll booths. Net result as I rode around london, m/c go thru without paying. Take your time, it might change things in the US. :thumbsup:

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No, seriously, you guys thought I was kidding about that coin holder, but it really does work. No fumbling around in your pocket, especially in "exact change" lanes. And the portability of it (the holder just pulls free of the bracket) is also a plus. I got it after one too many times of clumsy feeling around at a toll booth.


By the time I got my RT I had an EZ Pass and of course that is far preferrable. I can't remember the last time I had to actually whip out money for a toll - but if I encountered that often, I challenge anyone to come up with a better solution than that coin holder. It's cheezy as all hell, but it works.



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Anyone have any clever solutions they've come up with.
I stole this from someone I don't know who, but I keep a ziploc in my left chest pocket with money in it and a 3x5 card that says "Please take Toll & Return Change". Roll up, reach in with my right hand, give them the baggie, take the baggie back and put it in my pocket, wave & roll on. Never have to open the helmet even to talk. Always there as a backup even with the EZPass cause some of the southern states won't take it and want real money. Whenever I stop for a bite, the change (bills) goes into the baggie to keep it stocked. Don't think anyone ever took more than the toll. Don't really care if they did either :)



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Yeah I've got a SunPass for Florida.

BUT, what we need as motorists, not just mc riders, is an electronic universal toll system.

Or, universal exemptiondue to extremely low impact on roadways.

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"... I then ask them to unzip it, take what they need..."

That's a good way to get arrested in most states. SWMBO would also have a tendency to slap me upside the head if I tried that.

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While in England I visited Vines dealership. The guys told me that groups of m/c would go slowly thru toll booths. Net result as I rode around london, m/c go thru without paying. Take your time, it might change things in the US. :thumbsup:


+1 on that. The main toll bridges I use here in the Southwest UK don't charge bikes. If you come across one that does: Stop. Get off and put bike on stand. Remove gloves. Drop one on the ground. Pick it up. Open top box. Rummage around. Close top box. Open tank bag. Find wallet. Present library card. Oops. Present debit card. What you don't take cards? Sorry. Find a large note (well, it is a BMW so the likes of us don't deal in small amounts). Present it. Take off helmet to apologise for all the delay - you aren't used to having to pay at tolls, it isn't easy for a biker to have cash easily to hand. And to smile apologetically at the large queue of cars behind you. Put helmet back on. Drop glove again. Pick it up again. Get on. Drive off.


If everyone does it often enough they will stop bothering to charge us.


Ride free!




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EZ Pass! Why in the world would you want to wait in line at a toll waiting to pay while you broil, freeze, fume, etc! Just accept it, get one and cruise through.

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Yeah I've got a SunPass for Florida.

BUT, what we need as motorists, not just mc riders, is an electronic universal toll system.

Or, universal exemptiondue to extremely low impact on roadways.


Of course! Here in NJ there is something called "Green EZ-Pass," namely you present proof that your car gets 45mpg or higher, and you get a green colored transponder and 10% off the tolls. So of course I got one for my Prius, but when I asked for one for my motorcycle, they wouldn't grant it. Motorcycles are not considered for the program. WHAT?! The whole point is higher economy and less wear on the roads - how does excluding motorcycles help get us closer to that worthy goal??



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I use a similar take what you need change purse. I keep the main compartment loaded with silver and a few ones. I keep a 5 and 10 dollar bill in the zippered side pouch. I pull up and hand the toll person the change purse, and they take out what they need. They are amazingly careful to count out the toll while keeping hands and purse in sight. Has worked great for many years. Susan and I usually pay for both motorcycles, with whoever is leading doing the paying.

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While in England I visited Vines dealership. The guys told me that groups of m/c would go slowly thru toll booths. Net result as I rode around london, m/c go thru without paying. Take your time, it might change things in the US. :thumbsup:


+1 on that. The main toll bridges I use here in the Southwest UK don't charge bikes. If you come across one that does: Stop. Get off and put bike on stand. Remove gloves. Drop one on the ground. Pick it up. Open top box. Rummage around. Close top box. Open tank bag. Find wallet. Present library card. Oops. Present debit card. What you don't take cards? Sorry. Find a large note (well, it is a BMW so the likes of us don't deal in small amounts). Present it. Take off helmet to apologise for all the delay - you aren't used to having to pay at tolls, it isn't easy for a biker to have cash easily to hand. And to smile apologetically at the large queue of cars behind you. Put helmet back on. Drop glove again. Pick it up again. Get on. Drive off.


If everyone does it often enough they will stop bothering to charge us.


Ride free!





Pat, I'm afraid they just don't get it. Sad, isn't it?

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Ziploc full of change in tank bag. Hand the ziplock to the toll worker, tell them to take what they need, they zip the bag back up and I throw it back in the tank bag. Don't have to take the gloves off, don't have to put kickstand down. Honor system works just fine!



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some toll bridges around here don't have a pay-at-the-booth option. ez pass, or a bill in the mail are your only options. The bill in the mail is only another $.50 or a buck maybe.


If I suspect there is a toll booth I can pay with quarters, I'll keep some in my left front pocket. I just reach in and grab a few and then hold them out for the man to take what he needs. No baggie, nuthin'. Haven't dropped any yet. Also - I'll tell him (with hand gestures mostly) to take payment for both me and my wife who's behind me on another bike.

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some toll bridges around here don't have a pay-at-the-booth option. ez pass, or a bill in the mail are your only options. The bill in the mail is only another $.50 or a buck maybe.

Some like that in the Chicago area that I come across everytime I'm out there on business. What I really like is there's a website you can go to and pay the toll (tell them what plaza, approx time & license plate) using a credit card....for a 35 cent toll! :D I love doing that. Gotta cost them more than that to process the credit card transaction & pull the photo from the "get a ticket" pile. Sometimes the gov't is just so funny :rofl:
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