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Couple Questions on Enersys Batteries


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Guest Kakugo

I am in need of some info about these batteries.


1)My Honda has a Yuasa YTZ14S battery, same as fitted to the latest R1200GS Adventure, which is now a few years old and will need replacement. Considering Yuasa here are just about as expensive as Enersys (if not more) I may opt for the best option at the same cost. However I have found no Enersys equivalent for this model... can somebody provide assistance?


2)All Odyssey and Hawker batteries (the two Enersys "consumer" brands in Europe) I have found are sold with no brackets, no terminals etc. Can anyone post pictures or a guide on how to manufacture battery terminals that will fit?


Thanks a lot in advance.

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I remember reading that the L brackets were included with Odysseys bought from Amazon.com. Check with the sellers. I think most send them along.

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It's easy to be misinformed about the L brackets. Some vendors say they're included when they aren't, and others say you need their $5 bracket kit in addition to the battery itself, but are in error.


I wound up with "included" brackets and also the extra bracket kit - because the vendor said they weren't included. But, different vendors may truly not include them, or may include them only if that's the way their own supplier shipped them.


Another point - I preferred the "included" brackets to the kit brackets, but both the kits and the "includeds" could differ among vendors.


My recommendation would be to use whatever brackets are included with the battery, but make sure that they are indeed included.

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Afternoon Kakugo


Keep in mind the info about (included "L" brackets) that the above posters are talking about are for the PC-680 (1200RT) battery.


Your GS uses a different size battery. That size might or might not include the "L" brackets (you have to check with the vendor selling the battery to know for sure.


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Guest Kakugo

Hi DR. Hopefully no need for a PC680 anytime soon since the Yuasa fitted to the RT is less than a year old. I hope to hold on to the bike long enough to fit a few PC680's... unless the new Waterhead boxer gets my attention. :grin:


After perusing through various websites I found the Odyssey battery I am looking for the Honda is the PC535 (same suggested application for the R1200GS). It may require a bit of work to fit but I think I can still wield a mallet and an angle grinder to cut a couple of brackets out of steel. :rofl:


Sadly ordering from Amazon is no option since shipping costs would kill me but luckily these batteries are widely available in Germany at really good prices.


Thanks again to all of you, great advice as usual! :thumbsup:

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>>>>>Hi DR. Hopefully no need for a PC680 anytime soon since the Yuasa fitted to the RT is less than a year old. I hope to hold on to the bike long enough to fit a few PC680's...<<<<<


Chances are slim - Enersys batteries typically last a very long time. The one in my wife's former R60/5 was 11 years old, and the one in my R100S is now turning 10, still going fine.


>>>>It may require a bit of work to fit but I think I can still wield a mallet and an angle grinder to cut a couple of brackets out of steel.<<<<


Do yourself a favor and make them out of copper.



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Paul Mihalka
Would love to make them out of copper but it's not exactly easy to find here. May have more luck with brass though...
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Afternoon Kakugo


You might not even need "L" brackets for your GS. I have installed the PC-680 in a few RT's without using the L brackets by just slightly bending the battery cable attachments a little to work as is.


I haven't installed the Enersys battery in the GS yet (it doesn't use the PC-680) so really don't know what you will run into. Maybe just a little cable end tweak & it will work without L brackets.


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Guest Kakugo

It's not a GS... it's a Honda with its battery in an impossible position. It will be interesting.

Luckily the OE Yuasa seems to still have some life left in it so I have time to think about it.

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Would love to make them out of copper but it's not exactly easy to find here. May have more luck with brass though...


No copper pipe? I've used flattened, drilled sections of it to make "terminals" for other applications in a pinch...always seemed to work quite well. What done one run water through in the heart of the alps?


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I made a set of 'L' brackets from brass strip bought from a model shop - the sort that sells radio-controlled aircraft and such. It was listed as 12mm x 2mm x 300mm, but actually measured 1/2 inch x 1/16 inch x 1 foot, so was probably imported form the USA. I marked out the required lengths, drilled the holes, then cut off the two sections before bending them in a vice.


Brass has a low enough resistance for that short section to be no problem, even with cranking current.



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