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Earbuds on a Cardo Q2 Pro


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Just a quick post to share my conversion on the Q2 Pro from the stock helmet speakers to a 3.5 mm jack so i can use earphones of choice. I know this has been done on the old Q2 with posts but there are a few points of interst i thought i would share.

(Photos will follow)

First, the wires can be stripped by burning off the insulation with a micro-torch. Just a quick pass will light them off. I also soldered the wires after spreading the jack clamp tabs to make some space. After finishing and applying a gently bend on the clamp, i gobbed some gel superglue into the jack where the wire exits to prevent the wires from pulling out.

Secondly, i have found (after spending a lot of dough and trying all different kinds) that skullcandy "Inkd" earbuds are exceptional value for both attenuation and sound quality.

Third, I use my ipod directly wired to the headset. I bought a bluetooth dongle in my gen4 nano, but the music will not start after a phone call interupts the music without re-starting a pairing. I will need to figure out that problem.

The sound quality on the nano is only slightly degraded, but the volume level is great. I set all volumes at slightly below half, and if my RT shield is up, with the skullcandy's the sound is excellent-- bright and clear.

Very pleased, and will be even moreso when the ipod bluetooth is straitened out.

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also-- the wires--








the other 2 wired ( GOLD and BLUE STRPE ) are not used for sound-- i blieve they are part of the FM antenna system-- this may be a consideration for you-- i have a gen4 ipod-- which has a decent FM radio built in.

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