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RE: Zumo 550 Files


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My Zumo has to be sent in for repair. The standard is they sent a refurb and I will lose all my files. I'll go to the Zumo forum and look, but thought I would ask here first.


Does anybody know the file name(s) of my waypoints. I would like to save it off. I know how to do it using the map software, but for some reason the Zumo won't interface right now...part of the repair.




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If your Zumo GPS won't interface with your computer, unsure how you'll retrieve any files. On existing POIs, did you create manually or upload from POI Factory or a similar resource? POI files should be in .gpx or .csv (MS Excel comma delimited) file format.


Have you tried removing the Zumo battery then rebooting both Zumo and computer? If yes and still unsuccessful (using the "Receive From Device" in MapSource utility mode) or unless you can connect directly to your computer and copy/paste Zumo files from its directory to a new convenient location, seems you might need to start over after repair or refurb replacement unit is returned. Reloading shareware POI files is a breeze...

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effjay..I have tried those things. I have been using this Zumo and moving files back and forth since I bought it in 2006. Suddenly the Mapsource software cant see the GPS when plugged in. I can see the Zumo in explorer. I am running windows 7 on an I7 chip set.


I was thinking about just making a folder and trying to copy all of the gps not locked, but would prefer to just get my favorites out if possible. I started going through the favorites one by one and trying to recreate them in mapsource, but I won't live long enough to put them all in manually, especially since many of them are just lat/lon of things I have seen across the 75,000 miles I have put on this Zumo


any ideas appreciated. I am sending it back to garmin tomorrow for a replacement refurb. They have already told me no joy on the transfer of data...argh...


I tried to convince them since I purchased a Garmin 530, 430, 295, Aera 510, and the Zumo 550 they just treat me better...they weren't affected by my suggestion..

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I suspect (not from direct experience) that the refurb you'll receive will be a new unit or at least not same one you returned. If true, seems unlikely it will have any user created files loaded upon return.


I think the only locked files would be Garmin/NavTeq mapping details and all user created (or uploaded) files in a separate unlocked folder? I was curious so just connected my own Zumo to laptop. Although some file types are only viewable within a program, copying them to a thumb drive or to your hard drive should save for later? BTW, my uploaded POI files show .gpi file extension as differs from .gpx route files.



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Thanks...copied everything I could from Zumo to hard drive. I think it was about 1.9Gb. When I get the replacement unit, I will try to find and recover favorites...hope I got them..

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