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Z8 PR3


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Guest Kakugo

Cannot say about US prices but Michelin here are considerably cheaper than Metzeler and Pirelli.

On tyre merits alone PR3, no doubt. BMW's (both cars and bikes) have always worked well with Michelin.

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I have found that for my riding style and enjoyment, the Metzlers are still the best. That said, you can go on line and find the tires on sale almost anywhere. I have found them to be (in some cases) less expensive than most of the competition's tires.


Again, this is my view point, I wish you the best with what ever tires you pick.

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I'm on my second set of Z8s, am happy with 'em. They seem to be cheaper than the PR3s the few times I've checked.



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I am on my third set of Metzler tires: Z6, Z6 hybrid and now Z8 and I like them a lot. A friend with a 1200RT swears by PR3 and I will try them finally with my next change. He likes the wet ability and has no problems with the twisties like highway 33 near Ojai. We ride in a similar manner (he is better) and we both like it technical. This weekend we will try the 7 Passes ride that should give us a couple of turns with 1600 miles through the Sierras. Both tires seem great.

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

PR3s were giving me great even mileage wear until taking a long slab trip that squared the rear off a bit. I think they now have about 8k on them. Going to grind the shoulders off of the square part of the rear and give it a ride before selling the bike.

The first 2k showed no measureable loss of rubber on the rear when I depth gauged it.

The front seems to give off a tiny bit of howl noise depending on the road surface & material. They do handle quite well.

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I recently went through the PR3/Z8 research and comparison exercise and wound up buying Z8's for my 1200RT. Prices were really pretty comparable between the two when I checked all the usual discount sources. In the end, the only factor that swayed me toward the Z8's were a few reports that the PR3's had developed a "step" between the two rubber compounds that are used. This may have been neither here nor there, I don't know. But I've always been a Metzeler guy and have never had a problem with any of them. I took the RT with it's new Z8's on a five day tour up the BRP and then on up into VA and eastern W. VA toward Deleware. Lots of twisties and quite a bit of rain. The tires were outstanding in every way. I may yet try the PR3's, dunno. The folks in my local Beemer club pretty much think it's a coin toss.

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