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Garmin Mount - RT Options


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I have a Zumo 665LM and looking for options to mount between the handlebars (2009 RT). I do have a BMR Shelf, but prefer to mount lower. I do not want to mount on the left or right handle bar either.


Thanks for the suggesions and help.


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Danny caddyshack Noonan

right handle bar either.


Not sure if this violates your criteria but, I've got a mount that comes off of one of the bar mount screws. Think it is a Ram that goes onto a tab coming off of one of the screws. The 665 then mates to the Ram mount through the Touratech bracket and the ball.

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

Kind of like that except the ball is an inch radially away from the bolt due to the short plate/tab.

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Sounds like what I might of had before. Got any PICs??




I was delighted with the BMR shelf system on my former (shoulda kept it) R1200RT. Pictured below is the mount I used prior to going BMR, i.e., RAM-B-272U (shown in TT's catalog here) in combo with TT's bolt & spacer combo.


Pics show interim chrome steel metric bolt before the above linked stainless TT kit was installed.







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I've been using the thru the bolt Ram mount and I like it alot. Nice and clean, and you can remove the whole mount easily when you don't need the GPS

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