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SPOT GPS Messenger


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Anyone have any experience with this system?


Could be good on long rides to let family keep track of my progress!


Just sayin zall!

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Yes, I used on a couple of years ago and my son just used on for a Boundary Waters canoe trip.


The tracking feature allows you to share a web page showing your location and to send OK messages home.


You can get the units cheap. There service is a little pricy but for some families makes the difference between being able to be gone with them knowing where you are and that you are OK.

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The service with tracking and with GEOS insurance coverage somes out to be something like 13 dollars a month. I spend more than that on Beer. That's about a tank of fuel in some bikes.


I've had a SPOT for a few years now with Tracking and GEOS insurance and love it. Haven't had to use the 911 feature yet but reading some instances over on ADVRIDER.COM there have been folks that used it and got rescued in short order.


If you don't want the tracking feature and just want it for safety I suggest a Personal Locator Beacon that operates on the 406MHz frequency (Emergency Search and Rescue). They are pricey (around 800ish dollars) but you only pay that price once. After you buy it and register it with NOAA so they can program it into the COSPAS SARSAT system you never have to pay a fee. And they are generally designed for use at sea which means they have to meet VERY EXACTING quality and environmental survival standards.


If I didn't like the tracking and "OK" features so much I'd probably just own a PLB.



Here's a tracking of a trip I took earlier in the year. Orange is a tracking mark. It sends a tracking signal to a satellite every 15 or so minutes. The green tracks are "OK" marks. I would usually use the OK marks which sends a message to people I program into the website with a pre programed message.


The 911 button calls in the Cavalry. Only use that when you really need it cause if you send out a false alarm you get to pay for it. Probably a good idea to keep it out of the reach of kiddos too lol.




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One thing to remember with a PLB is that while there is no fee you generally must replace the (usually expensive) battery every couple of years so there is an ongoing cost of sorts.

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I've used the original Spot (orange one) for 2 yrs for backpacking & motorcycles. Pro is that it will last 2 weeks on a set of batteries. Con is that the buttons are a little exposed for 911 (although I never had an incident I always wondered if I'd push it by accident) and lacks the custom msg of the Spot 2.


For services I got monitoring ($99), tracking ($49) and the Geos Rescue ($12) annually. Worked great everywhere in the continental US I tried it including places where my Globalstar satellite phone didn't. Ended up getting rid of the sat phone.


I used the Findmespot adventure tracking web page but that only keeps your tracks for 30 days so switched to using spotwalla.com instead (free but you need the Spot tracking service).


Switched to a Spot 2 about a yr & half ago because it was a little smaller and somewhat better at getting messages out (on Spot 1 sometimes 20 minutes would go by without a tracking "spot" getting thru, no biggie generally). Also get a custom msg for Spot 2. The custom message has to be setup in advance though thru the Spot website. The Pro here is that the unit uses AAA batteries vs AA (most of my backpacking gear is now AAA), you get a custom msg capability and slightly better transmission success. Con is that the batteries only last about a week.


I have the following msgs set by button:

Checkin/OK = "I'm stopping for the night setting up camp" (for backpacking) or "Stopping for rest or food" (for motorcycling)

Help = "Help. Hurt but not life threatening. Send cops & medical to this GPS coordinate location."

Custom = "Help but not hurt. Please send tow truck to this GPS coordinate location."

911 = "Help!!! Possibly life threatening injury." This also alerts GEOS Rescue.


These messages are sent via email and text messaging to a set of contacts (can be different by msg type). If I need non-emergency help, I'd call with the cell but if no service then the Spot will get the msg out for me.


With Findmespot and Spotwalla people (can be limited to those you want to see you) can follow your track. They can see as well where you've stopped for some time and can zoom in via Google maps to see what's there - if it's a ravine & you haven't moved in awhile they can call in the dogs. If it's a motel they can just chalk it up to your feebleminded forgetfulness in not sending the "OK" msg :)

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I have the spot for many of the same reasons mentioned.

Sometimes I ride alone and this will communicate "OK" to my wife.

Sometimes I ride alone with my wife and the OK goes to my son. He is also my emergency call, if I need it.

I find the cost reasonbable.


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One word about using a Spot device: Spotwalla.

Once you get the device, and sign up for the tracking service, you can get a free account on Spotwalla for tracking trips. The Spot tracking service keeps track of your movements for a reasonable time, but Spotwall allows you to set up 'trips' in advance, which are permanently retained. Fernstance: You want to do the Void rally in October. Go to Spotwalla, set up a trip covering October 4 thru October 7, and send the URL Spotwalla assigns to the trip to your friends. They can then follow your movements during that particular range of days. You can also set up security zones so no one can see you whenever you are within those zones (to protect your home, or your girlfriends house).

Well worth it for your family's peace of mind. And it is fun to share with your friends when you are telling them about your ride.

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I've had the original Spot (lost, flew off the bike somewhere on Henness Pass) and the Spot 2.


Spot 2s can be flakey; my first one was defective and I found this was not uncommon. I bought it from REI, and it was replaced under their generous return policy. There are some informative reviews here at REI; I wrote one on Dec 2 and Dec 9 2011. You'll see opinions from a wide range of users. Recommended reading.


The Spot 2 I like very much as it has been far more reliable than the original WRT satellite lockup and OK message transmission.


My use is only for tracking and OK feature. I'm a bit of a wanderer and really can't predict much more than my start and end point on a trip. Every time I stop for gas I send an OK message; the wife finds it to be reassuring.


The tip about Spotwalla is spot on (groan) - join up there, it's far superior to the Spot shared page.



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IIRC the SPOT2s were manufactured in China and the originals were manufactured in the states though I could be wrong on that.


That's not to say that China made stuff is bad but SPOT probably speced they wanted the units for x price and the Chinese cut corners to make that price.


I'll have to open my 1st gen SPOT when I get home and check it out.

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That's not to say that China made stuff is bad but SPOT probably speced they wanted the units for x price and the Chinese cut corners to make that price.
Or it could be they were willing to take less profit or their costs (like labor) were lower & allowed them to make a more competitive bid on the same quality level delivery than domestic manufacturers.
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My understanding is that they had problems with the early SPOT2s, many of which were replaced under warranty or recalled. Later ones are fine. Mine has been flawless.

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My understanding is that they had problems with the early SPOT2s, many of which were replaced under warranty or recalled. Later ones are fine.

That is correct, a batch of bad voltage regulator chips got into the initial run. Was an issue but resolved a long time ago.

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