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Radar detector threads?

Jack Molan

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Just finished a great 4k ride through 8 western states. Time to start investigating the things on my want list.


#1 I need to upgrade my radar detector, I have tried searching but, does anyone have a thread or two discussing the different pros and cons of radar detector models?


Thanks ahead of time for the help.



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By the people who have them, Valentine is the best. If you want to go cheap, Escort has the Passport 8500, which is a good detector, factory refurbished with warranty on ebay for $150. That's what I have. It works.

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Valentine is just IMO wayyyy too much money unless you can find a good used unit.


I've got a Beltronics Vector 995 and really like it, and run it with a Mark Parnes visual alert. I can find them on craigslist here locally for 75 bucks used in good condition.

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Just finished a great 4k ride through 8 western states. Time to start investigating the things on my want list.


#1 I need to upgrade my radar detector, I have tried searching but, does anyone have a thread or two discussing the different pros and cons of radar detector models?


Thanks ahead of time for the help.




I'm not sure it will help, but go to the bottom of any forum screen and adjust the setting, so that you search further back that the default of 1 week.

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I have a V1. I have used it daily on a motorcycle since 1996. It fell off, was run over, still worked but case destroyed. $40 for a new case. A few years later it seemed to not be working well, sent in with check (as per instructions). Returned ,with check, in perfect working order. Do other manufacturers do repairs and updates?


I don't think it was such a bad deal for a 16 year old detector that still functions very well.


My wife thought it was a waste of money. After using mine, she bought her own V1.

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Valentine is just IMO wayyyy too much money unless you can find a good used unit.


They always irritated me that an earphone jack was an extra cost option, which seems kind of chintzy and anti-motorcycle.


My favorite is the battery-powered Escort, i.e. the Solo. I think it works fine and it's massively more convenient than hard wiring power in both car and on bike. Battery (AA) life is not an issue.


After years worrying what would happen to me if I exited the bike in an "incident" with an earphone cord running to my helmet, I've recently found the Senna SR-10, which sends the signal via Bluetooth to my helmet. Why yes, from the Escort's earphone jack. So far I seem to have an either-or situation between this and reception of commands from Navigator IV and am still working on that. I don't go very many places that I need audio directions to, especially if I study my route ahead of time. If it's the city streets to the motel, I can easily forgo the radar warnings for that little bit.


I mount the Solo and the SR-10 in the clear map pocket of my tankbag. Works fine, and if not a complete solution is certainly a delaying solution as regards rain waterproofing. As you're likely aware, removal of an OE BMW tankbag from an R1200RT is as easy as it can get, and this gets the valuable electronics secured simultaneously with nothing to unplug or additionally dismount.






No, if the Valentine is 100 any Escort is 90-95 and I'm simply not far enough up the macho scale to think I'll need the extra 5%. Especially not when the tradeoff would be losing battery powering. (Escort does repairs and updates.)

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They made laser jammers illegal in Texas right before I was gonna get one.




I'll have to go take a pic of my dash setup here soon. I usually don't run the detector running back and forth in town but only when traveling out of the local area.


I used the Mark Parnes Visual Alert device recently during a trip to Missouri and it was VERY effective as long as it's in your field of view somewhere the LEDs are VERY bright.



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I bought a lightly used Escort 8500 for $75 earlier this summer. It has paid for itself many times over since then.


I wanted a radar detector before I traveled West for the UNrally this year. I got lucky and managed to borrow a V1, an Escort 8500, and an Escort 9500 for a few weeks for trial runs before I decided which one I wanted. For me, the V1 was obnoxious. I was getting false alarms out the wazoo. I would have also needed to buy the remote audio adapter to make it work on the bike, so that was an extra $50 and added hassle. The Escorts never false alarmed and were easier to integrate into the bike. They were also much quieter on a daily basis. They only seem to alert when speed sensing radar was being used. The V1 would scream at me constantly......mostly picking up active cruise control, backup sensors, and motion sensors from retail stores. It alerted when there was a cop blasting radar, but it went off so much that it was hard to tell what was real and what was a threat.


If money wasn't an option, I would have bought the 9500. The GPS feature of that detector is awesome. After my 3rd-4th day of using it, I never heard a peep out of it unless there was a cop blasting radar in the area. It even gives you audible warnings about upcoming redlight cameras. That being said, I was on a budget and couldn't pass up the deal on the 8500. I now use it pretty much all the time (bike and car). I'm not a habitual speeder, but I won't travel long distances again without one.



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Guys, this is a ver good report on detectors! I no idea about the Mark Parnes visual alert system. I will be adding that for sure. Thanks to all for the posts, hey are very much appreciated! I am leaning to the 8500x50 for now....:-)

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+1 on the Mark Parnes visual alert (available at Aerostich and others) It's very bright, gets your attention, and plugs right into the Escort 8500. Mine is stuck on top of my Escort where it will be seen. There is a Valentine model but you need the earphone adaptor.


You are not going to hear any detector at road speeds, so you need some kind of add-on - Mark Parnes, earphone, Radar Screamer, etc. The visual alert seemed the easiest hook-up to me.


Between the Valentine and the Escort 8500, it looks like a toss-up to me, except in price. The more up-priced Escorts may be even better. Google radar detectors and get lots of info.


In my opinion, RDs are becoming less and less useful as the enforcers switch to laser. The laser detection is almost always just telling you you've been measured, too late, pay the man. RDs may still be useful on local roads where the town police are less likely to have laser, but that's changing fast.



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"In my opinion, RDs are becoming less and less useful as the enforcers switch to laser. The laser detection is almost always just telling you you've been measured, too late, pay the man. RDs may still be useful on local roads where the town police are less likely to have laser, but that's changing fast."


I respectfully disagree. I don't see many Lasers in use. They are work for the officer. The Leo has to be on the side of the road, aiming at you. Most common enforcement is patrol car parked on the side of the road with LEO sitting in it, or patrol car driving toward you with trigger finger on the radar. For these situations a RD works.


My Escort 8500 mount with Marc Parnes visual alert. (I already bragged about the mileage, that was a year ago)



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I've only seen the large metro areas around here using LIDAR. I haven't even seen state troopers with any LIDAR guns.


Last year I did a trip all over the Northeast and don't remember seeing a single officer running LIDAR in over 5000 miles of different types of roads and areas.


Guess I'm saying it's not as common as some folks seem to think it is.

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I've only seen the large metro areas around here using LIDAR. I haven't even seen state troopers with any LIDAR guns.


Last year I did a trip all over the Northeast and don't remember seeing a single officer running LIDAR in over 5000 miles of different types of roads and areas.

They're here. Surprised about the "all over the Northeast" comment. The CT State Police use them all the time on the Interstates (I91 & I84). Two weeks ago I was wandering thru ME/Quebec/NH/MA. Saw no one in ME, 2 cops in Quebec (neither clocking I don't think) and 4 in NH & MA, 2 with LIDAR. Only thing of note was that the cops were Staties. Not sure what the townies do in other places although my town uses both.

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I've been lit up with laser a few times, mostly by MD State Troopers. I also been hit by K, Ka, and even X band........all in MD. The X band really took me by surprise. I thought only NJ and OH we're still using X, but that apparently isn't the case. It was coming from a Baltimore County cruiser that I passed about two weeks ago on my way to work. Scared the crap out me because I'm not used to hearing that tone.


The other thing that uses laser in MD is the white Jeeps they park in construction zones that have the speed cameras attached to them. You get a quick burst right before the flash goes off.

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I had the Marc Parnes visual alert on my RT and found that unless I was willing to mount it on the windshield I would miss alerts. It is bright, but very directional. I switched to a auditory alert system that is no longer made. I always ride with headphones so now I never miss an alert.

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I am thinking my set up will be like this....get the LED right in the middle, just above the speedo/tach.


So what is it with Lazers? Just a jammer available? Or are the legal?



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Depends on what state you are in but in most states Laser Jammers are legal and at least a few that have been reviewed have worked but expect to spend 4 to 700 dollars for one of those.


Lidar (Laser) is very directional and generally if you pick it up with a Radar/Laser detector you have been picked up on their end. It's not a definite it's possible to pick up "scatter" with a Laser detector but it's a roll of the dice.


Yes on the Marc Parnes visual alert you have to have it where it's in your field of view AND aimed at your face. If you don't it's possible to miss it.



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I am thinking my set up will be like this....get the LED right in the middle, just above the speedo/tach.


So what is it with Lazers? Just a jammer available? Or are the legal?




From a guy that never goes anywhere without my Valentine-


Here's my advice on jammers, from my LEO buddy....

Mr Leo's been shooting traffic for a while, everything's working fine.....he then shoots you, the gun goes haywire...Mr LEO thinks what's up with him?....and decides to pull ya over anyhow.


Them guys are pretty good at telling who's haulin' and who's not....it's better to try to talk your way outta a ticket than rely on a jammer that WILL get Mr LEO's attention.....


My cheap advice for the day



Don J :wave:

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