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Steering Stabalizer


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Why would you?

The bike is that stable that adding a stabilizer/damper would actually work against you by having to force it to turn.

If yours has some nasty tendencies to tuck in, then your tire pressures are wrong..tires are worn too far/uneven, or your bike has a fault.

I am aware that you asked for opinions of others who have tried it, so look at it this way.

If the bike would benefit, you would see a lot of queries about them, have aftermarket advertisements for them to suit the 1200RT and lots of forum discussions of which ones are best and all the different methods to install them.

As these don't exist, it is a hint by it self.

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Interesting question. So, having never felt the need for one, I'm not sure I know why or when to use a steering damper. I get the idea that they're for short wheelbase, sport or race bikes. And the benefit would basically be at high speeds. Like above most speeds you'd see on a public roadway. Am I on the right track, or all mixed up?

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I have fitted a single steering damper in my life, on an old Triumph.

Was it worth the money and the effort (back then it was more than just undoing and retorquing bolts)? No, absolutely not.

To be completely honest as bike tech progressed I felt less and less the need for it: last generation sportsbikes, with their hyper aggressive measurements may be another story but I don't plan on buying one anytime soon.


Anyway you didn't tell us why you think you need a steering damper. What problems you have? The solution may be considerably different from a steering damper.

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My GT, a long wheel base, sport tourer has one.

That said, some have removed them from the brick bike

with no complaints as it is very stable, perhaps the most or as stable as any BMW built.


To OP, my thought are with the above posts.



Best wishes.

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Used a true damper on my R69s for 20 yrs. I was sure it was essential. Then I took it off one day and have never thought it was helpful since on that or any bike (last 25 or so years).


Long ago, I am not sure why, tank slappers were a threat. Not an issue any more as far as I know. Many theories about tank slappers.



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