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Zumo 660 loses bike power


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Hey everyone, I've got a problem with my Zumo 660, installed on my 2010 R1200RT in June. Its doing two things that are really annoying and I can't figure out what to do about either of them.

1. Sometimes the music player says it cannot fine any MP3 files. When this happens, I remove the unit from the bike, turn it off, turn it back on while holding it, and sometimes it then finds the music files, and then plays just fine, until the next time this happens. Does anybody hhis problem?

2. I'll be driving along, maybe 5 to 10 minutes into my ride, and the Zumo announces it has lost external power and is on battery. This first started in July on my way to the rally, and has been happening more frequently since. Then, after a random amount of time, it will beep, the display gets brighter again, and it is back on bike power. Then it beeps and goes off, and lately, has been staying off for longer periods of time, maybe not coming back on again. Today I checked the power supply through the Eastern Beaver switch block, and everything looks fine. Could not find any loose connections that would account for this happening.

Is this an internal problem with the 660? has anyone ele experienced this? Thanks guys, I sure appreciate any help you can provide.


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#1) I had the same problem on a 665 (not finding mp3's.) Apparently it is a know problem. Garmin says hold down on power button for 8 seconds, unit will reboot and then find the files. I have broken the files down in folders like I did on the 550 and it seems to be better. I also think a recent garmin system update may have helped.

#2) Sounds like a bad connection somewhere. Can you connect directly to the battery?

Good luck.

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Hey everyone, I've got a problem with my Zumo 660, installed on my 2010 R1200RT in June. Its doing two things that are really annoying and I can't figure out what to do about either of them.

I had issues with my 665, not the same as yours however. Calling them is nearly impossible. So I emailed them with the issues. They issued me a return auth for a new unit. New unit is fine so far. You might try that approach.

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Thanks Alan. I'll try wiring directly to the battery, in case it could be the switched position on the fuse block. Good to know about holding the on/off switch too. It's a new unit, so, I thought the software would be the latest and might have addressed the music issue.


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