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Used Valentine 1 radar detector?

RT Russ

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After my Colorado performance award after the UN and another 30 over warning back here in California, I've been talking to friends about a radar detector. A co-worker has a 10+ year old V-1. Can this be updated? Is it good as is? Will it help me avoid more awards? I know :dopeslap: I should just slow down right? :rofl:

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I have a 16 yo V1 and it still works fine.


V1 update is really a trade in on a new unit. You can go to their website and punch in the serial number. It will tell you the cost of an update and what the differences are.


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30 over around here gets ya a super speeder award

too much hassle for me

and I've got a CDL so speeding equals problem.

Never was fast but now I'm more not faster, usually.


The V1 will help most of the time.

Good luck.

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After my Colorado performance award after the UN and another 30 over warning back here in California, I've been talking to friends about a radar detector. A co-worker has a 10+ year old V-1. Can this be updated? Is it good as is? Will it help me avoid more awards? I know :dopeslap: I should just slow down right? :rofl:


It really depends what systems the LEO's are using and where you choose to speed. My V-1 has saved my bacon plenty, but with instant on and laser detection proliferating, if you're out in the open, with little traffic around you you're essentially defenseless to a good operator. I've found riding smart is the best defense. Slow down around populated areas, especially when on the Interstate. thinking "If I was a LEO, where would I hide" works pretty good for me too

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pedro cerveza

To answer the OP's question... Yes they can be updated. I don't know if it is worth the expense. There is nothing that Valentine has done to cure the K and Ka band "pollution" that will generate false positives. Some new cars use the same radar frequencies as law enforcement for lane departure warnings and active cruise control. Get behind a new Audi or in front of a new Infiniti for 20 miles and you'll want to smash the detector. My older units still let me know if there is police radar around.

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I've had my Valentine 1 for about 15 years. I switch it from car to car, bike to bike. It has saved my butt so many times I can't remember. Having one is not a license to speed, but I find it makes me more aware of where I'm going and what's around me. I'll admit, on I-5 (70 mph limit) I like to cruise about 75, and I'm always amazed how far in advance my V1 goes off before I spot the source. My RT's sweet spot seems to be 80 mph, as is mine.

I've had mine upgraded twice. The last time was $85, a long way from $400 for a new one. If ole Mark could just figure out a way to rid all of the alarms from auto door openers, etc., then he would really have something. In my book the V1 is unmatched in every way. :clap:

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Just be aware that an earphone plug is an option on Valentines. Not very motorcycle friendly IMHO. In any event check this when purchasing a used one.

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Thanks Wurty..........I've got the autocom and Al's ears already :Cool: and Etymotic ER-4's as well :thumbsup: any radar warning wouldn't do me any good if I couldn' t hear it.

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  • 10 months later...

As an update, if you get a V1, make sure it is secure and out of site if you leave your bike or vehicle. My V1 was stolen out of my

'08 CR-V in front of my hotel room (Red Lion) in the Cal Expo area

of Sacramento about a month ago. They broke the driver's door window and pulled it off of the sun visor, which is black, like the

interior, with tinted door windows in front, privacy glass in the rest of the vehicle. It was tucked tightly up onto the visor and they got the mount off, but didn't bother to take the power cable, which was the easiest thing to remove. Due to deductibles, and the V1 is considered personal property so has to go on homeowners

policy, I'm out a little over $1100 for new V1, Window, tinting, door panel, and outside upper molding. Live and learn, I guess.

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