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Considering creating a rental program for Hexcode GS-911 - need input


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I want a Hexcode GS-911 - but the wisdom of committing $350 to a infrequently used tool (rather than a new tablet or some other widget) somehow eludes me....so I've been thinking of this idea and would like some input:


Here are the basics of the GS-911 Rental Plan - I buy a bluetooth enabled GS-911 with the 10 user subscription and put it up for rent on the forums.


I'm thinking that a $35 rental fee would apply for the 7 days after the renter receives the unit via whichever shipping method they are willing to pay for. The renter makes a $350 deposit to a paypal account, with the rental fee and shipping charges taken out of the deposit upon return of the unit. The renter will be charged $35 per VIN that is connected to the unit, so a couple of riders can use it at the same time to save on shipping costs.


Return the unit at the end of the 7 days, and the cost to the user is simply one weeks rent and shipping costs. More than 7 days, and it's two weeks rent. More than 14 days and you've just bought yourself a used GS-911.


No I didn't just dream this one up to get it past my accountant, er wife. Just seems like a reasonable way to help manage maintenance costs for our bikes.


I've looked for someone else that has done this in the past with no luck. I did find a couple references to people willing to loan out there GS-911, but it never was close enough to me to do any good.



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I'm not interested. I have one.

I think there are other ways to make money.

I think it's just easier to make friends with someone with one. I have never allowed anyone to pay me to use mine and I never would.

I don't ship it around the country.

But my card does read, beneath the Rook symbol:

"Have GS911

Will Travel

Wire David13

Los Angeles"


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I don't live anywhere near David13 so this isn't a bad idea. Where else could you get your hands on this without owning it? Nowhere!

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Danny caddyshack Noonan


Wouldn't you be risking loss of future rentals if someone couldn't figure out the VIN, or entered wrong ones before getting to 10 rentals?

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Good question - so a little digging on the Hexcode site found this:


"The VIN numbers are read directly from the ECU and helps us determine the model type and thus the functionality. Of course an Enthusiast version will prompt a user whether it should add a new VIN to its VIN list, before doing so. Ultimately you, the user, decides whether he or she would like to allocate a new VIN to one of the empty VIN slots."


So it looks like that once the GS-911 is connected to the bike, then the user has the option of uploading the VIN number or not. I had planned on checking the GS-911 when I received it back from a renter to see how many VIN's were added to the memory.


Another reason for having the deposit set rather high is to CMA in case something (either excessive VIN registration or damage) happens to the unit while out on rental.


I'm not looking to make money on this, just looking for a way to spread out the cost a bit and to help someone else that might need a tool like this once in a while.

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If you are not looking to make money, then do it for free.

That's the way I do it. Friends, acquaintances, anyone who is half way friendly for 5 minutes.


You cain't tell me you ain't never been to Los Angel Ease.


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I'd gladly loan any tool I have to a friend - that said, we live "on the road" as it were and the BMW riders that we meet are in passing. My best friend in the whole world is my SO and she rides a Honda, so the GS-911 won't do her a lot of good...


AFWIW, no I haven't ever been to LA - but if I make it there this trip (currently in WA state, heading south to OR), you can be sure that I'll look you and your GS-911 up!

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The problem with the plan is that your cost is even higher than having the dealer reset service reminders, etc. While there are other uses the service reminder is the most frequent need. I don't think it would work.

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Good point - although my dealer quoted $70 just to roll the bike in the shop and connect the computer, let alone do any service work.


Another consideration is that some of us don't live anywhere really close to a dealer. For instance my closest dealer (in NC) is 75 miles on way and appointments are usually made a week out or so. As we're traveling this year, the last BMW dealer in OR that I called quoted me $90 and the soonest appointment was 10 business days out.


I think from my reading that many riders prefer to work on their own stuff and having the proper diagnostic tool handy at hopefully an affordable price will be a benefit to many. Just in the interest of this conversation, what do you think would be an appropriate rental fee?

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I suspect that the best thing to do is just to go ahead and buy the Gs-911 and forge ahead. I'll be posting the GS-911 for rent when I get my hot little hands on it soon!

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I like your idea, sign me up. I've had a reminder on the dash for 6 months.
When you reset it, make it for a long time out (can't do infinite or turn it off but you can reset for a long long time) so it doesn't nag you again.


BTW, I have a GS-911 in CT and will loan it locally (CT/MA/RI). Maybe the Anonymous Book should have a new category "GS-911 Loaner?" :)

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