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Tire age

Rex R

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Here's another tire topic:


For those of you who check tire manufacture dates, what is the oldest tire you would buy and install on your bike? 9 months? 12? 2 years?

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Paul Mihalka

IMHO unless stored all the time in a very hot place, 2 years is as good as new. I've seen fresh (not left-over) brand new bikes arrive with 2 year olds.

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IMHO unless stored all the time in a very hot place, 2 years is as good as new. I've seen fresh (not left-over) brand new bikes arrive with 2 year olds.
I first learned 'bout tire dating (Not to be confused with sister dating ;) ) after I bought a new tire that wuz sliding all over the place!

It ended up being damn near 5 yrs old, which in and of it's self may not have been that bad, but this particular shop had their tire rack next to a large plate glass, store front, southern exposure window. The tires dun got baked every day! :rofl:

After I sniveled, they replaced it with a newer tire. :thumbsup:

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It totally depends on how it was kept. If it was in a interior room that didn't get above 80 F and didn't fluctuate in temp very much, then I'd say 5 years at the outside. I've run track tires that were two years old and were fine, and I've got a front tire on the Ural that I think is the OEM from 2006 and is working fine, although it will get replaced when the snow flies.

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How was it stored?

Was it bearing weight?


Is there an visible sign of aging?


And, since newer and very cheap tires are out there, why?

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On the way back from Alaska this year, my partner on a KTM 950 SE discovered his rear tire (k60) was not going to make it all the way back. Tried a half dozen MC shops and no one had an 18" rear of any kind. Finally in Alberta, a Honda shop found one in the rear storage container that was 11 years old and one size smaller (130 vs 140) We put it on and made it home nicely and it it now is mounted on my DRZ and doing fine. The storage container was dark but no temp control but it doesn't get too hot that far north.

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The tires on my GS are from 2004....on the dry its not too bad but it does slip out every now and then...on wet....OMG... hang on....I am just riding easy until I buy new tires

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