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Finger Squeegees


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Like a lot of you (see FARTERs) I was out on the roads this past weekend and, again like a lot of you, on Sunday I did most of the day riding in the rain. One thing this allowed me to try out were some Finger Squeegees I picked up from Aerostich. I bought these things a while back and really expected them to at best be just a gimmick and at worst a bother to have on. What I found was I don't even feel one on my thumb and they work absolutely wonderfully. They're especially nice when there's a light rain or the road is wet and you're picking up spray from other vehicles. Just a quick swipe across the face shield and VIOLA, instant clean. They worked so good I actually chuckled a couple of times. Nice stuff!


As usual, no affiliation, no kickbacks, no free stickers, no autographed pictures of the "Stitch Girls", yada yada yada.

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I have the squeegees too but I found a better solution.

I lean my head out in the 70 mph wind blast and instantly my shield and/or glasses are clear.

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I have the squeegees too but I found a better solution.

I lean my head out in the 70 mph wind blast and instantly my shield and/or glasses are clear.


+ 1

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I bought a pair of the waterproof BMW All-Around gloves, which have a built in sqeegee on the left index finger that you can't even tell is there when you're wearing them. They're not exactly cheap, but they're warm and comfy and would seem perfect for those cool days with a chance of rain. Nice, lightly insulated leather gloves in any case. Just a option for when it's time for new cool weather qloves next time. I keep them in the same plastic bag with my BMW Rain coverall and a small towel which I toss in a pannier on such days.

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