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Graphics for the RT


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Joe Frickin' Friday
Has anyone used something like this on their bike?






They come in a variety of colors and finishes.


I haven't seen an RT out there that was decked out exactly like that. Farkling an RT purely for style seems to be a rare thing, at least among the bikes I see at BMWST events. If people do put big swaths of color on their bikes, it's usually one of Effbee's reflective case cover kits. As BMW's oilhead sidecases used to be black plastic, the black stickers blended in during the daytime insted of standing out; it was only at nighttime when they got lit up by a car's headlights that their functionality came into play.



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I just installed the kit # 2 on my 07 Rt. The picture you see on web site is for a 2010 Rt. I have a silver bike and I really like the look. Not going into details here but you will need to trim some off at front part among other things. If you decide to do it PM me for long story. Do not rely on instructions. It does give it a custom look.

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I'm looking at that gouge on my fairing and have to say I am intrigued...

But leaning towards something much subtler than they show. Like a light charcoal on silver bike.

What color did you go with, Heyfrank?

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I went with the charcoal metallic. As it happen it matches the color of that part of fairing of trim on the bike really nice which brakes up the silver and looks really nice. I took pictures of it but I am having trouble posting them. Wife may help because I am not computer friendly. I will be at death valley ride in November it you wish to see if pictures don't take.

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Years ago I went to an auto paint outfit in Edmunds, WA, and they made some very nice checkerboard stick-ons plus a name for my R1100RT, Marlene Dietrich. The graphics were reflective black. I think the whole bit was $60.

I'd think most places could easily do this to your own specs.

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