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Baby got new shoes... Wow!


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I know this kind of thing has been posted before, but...


Wow! I really, really wish I had put on new tires before the last Torrey. At Torrey, with the old PR2s, the bike felt somehow off, and my confidence was lacking. Now, these tires were worn enough that I replaced the rear in Torrey before riding home (Thanks, Bob, Whip and Ed!). Today, I just took a short ride on the new PR3s, and the difference was amazing! Instead of the bike being upset by every little ripple or variation in the pavement, it just rolled over them like they weren't even there! And the old front really didn't look bad!

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Hey, I put some new shoes on,

And suddenly everything is right,

I said, hey, I put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling, It's so inviting










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Same thing happens with cars and lots of people report the new tires are better than the old ones.


Of course they are, they're new and the old ones are old.


NOBODY can remember what the old tires were like when they were new and the only valid comparison is the type seen in magazines where various brands of new tires are equally compared.


It's not just tread depth or the profile of the tire, it's old versus new rubber, too.


It does serve to point out the sacrifices made trying to get the last miles out of tires.

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Kent, agreed. My point was that handling issues that I thought might have been me, or some other problem with the bike, turned out to actually be the old tires (specifically the old front tire), even though they didn't look squared off.

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Has anyone compared the PR3 front to the Pilot Power 2CT front?


I was never perfectly happy with the feel of the PR2 front from day 1, so switched to the PP2CT based on advice on these forums. LOVE IT!

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And I thought it was just me!


When I put on some PR3s, I noticed a huge improvement in handling. The previous tires were PR2s, and were getting worn, and I know that new tires always feel better. But this seemed like more than that. I really like the PR3s so far.

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Interesting tidbit on the PR3's. I'll try and keep it short.


I had a set of PR3's with 15K miles. I was going on a ride over to the coast and didn't want to worry about tires. I spooned on a new set. I've always been amazed at how the PR3's didn't go off with the mileage and I wasn't disappointed.

Now the kicker. After my ride, I got home and decided to put the used tires back on, just for curiosity sake. Again, I was amazed how the used tires felt compared to the new ones. Now with 16,720 miles, I've finally scrapped the old tires (with 1/32" left till the wear bars). Truthfully, I normally would have called them done at 15K, but I really was curious just how far they could go.

I've never gotten mileage like this out of any tire and there is no better tire in the wet, period. If I were still endurance racing there'd be a set in my trailer for rain tires.


My 2 cents, and then some...



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I had my pr3's at Torrey and didn't notice the tar snakes at all. Was that the result of the different tires, the different ambient temp, or had the tar snake composition changed? Or maybe I was riding slower.

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I had my pr3's at Torrey and didn't notice the tar snakes at all. Was that the result of the different tires, the different ambient temp, or had the tar snake composition changed? Or maybe I was riding slower.

More than likely ambient temp and a moderate right wrist, John.

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Truthfully, I normally would have called them done at 15K, but I really was curious just how far they could go.

I've never gotten mileage like this out of any tire and there is no better tire in the wet, period.


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Kent, agreed. My point was that handling issues that I thought might have been me, or some other problem with the bike, turned out to actually be the old tires (specifically the old front tire), even though they didn't look squared off.

Tires are not toner cartridges. You can shake'em and get more use.

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