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Windshields and noise - '04 RT


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Prior to buying my '04 RT last summer every other bike i've ever owned or ridden was naked, no fairings or windshields of any kind. I always rode with a full face helmet and enjoyed (what i remember to be) a reasonably quiet ride (as in wind noise) with the visor down. Although i love having it flipped up with the wind in my face for speeds less than 50 mph. (i always wear sunglasses for eye protection if i have the visor up)


What i have found is that at speeds over 50mph or so there is a lot of wind noise, more so it seems when i have the screen higher up. If i get it too high i actually feel pressure pushing me forward towards the tank. It's to the point that i prefer having the windshield all the way down most of the time because of the noise, i'm willing to endure more buffeting.


I'm 5'10", i have the seat at it's lowest position, and sit with my feet and legs in an active posture with my backside almost touching the front of the rear seat. When i lean down towards the tank i am always amazed at how quiet the wind noise is and how clear the engine sounds are.


I assume i have a stock windshield. So, I am trying to figure out if my noise issues are related to the shape/size/brand of my windshield or if maybe it's my helmet? I wear a full face helmet with decent venting. I've read all sorts of reviews on windshield vendors sites about how great their brand is over the stock ones or the other brands. I am looking for ideas and advice on where to look.


- New windsheild for an 04 1150 RT, if so what should i look for?

- New helmet, are some quieter than others?

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I think what you are experiencing is pretty common. Try some time standing up at speed to get into the clean airflow. I’ll bet you’ll be surprised how much it quiets down. A different windscreen may help the issue, some are indeed a bit quieter, but really ear plugs are the only real answer. Your hearing 30 years from now will thank you.

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Just a few things you need to check out to get it right (or as right as possible).


You get wind noise when the turbulent edge of the breeze flowing just over the windscreen (1) hits at ear level or (2) travels from your neck up through the helmet.


Higher or lower means less noise.


Traditionally, you set the screen at 38-degrees and at such a height that the blast is just over your ears and that also means your eyes will be looking over the top of the screen. Has worked just fine for generations of bikers.


All you need to do to start figuring things out is take your mittens off* and feel location of the breeze. Simple as that to start the investigation.



*sure helps to have a throttle counter-force spring

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When I was having noise issues I got a lot of help from the Forum. One thing I was directed to was a chart at the calsci website which helped me decide the proper height for me of a windscreen.

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CeeBailey Euro cut 2.5'' taller work fine for me on my R1150RT'02...no more need for ear plug. I'm 6' tall and very please with performance of this windshield.

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The stock shield was way too short on my 04 RT with buffeting at all settings as you found. It was actually nicer if the windshield was off the bike but looked awfully strange. I finally ended up making my own windshield out of .108" polycarbonate and aluminum. It is 5 inches longer and 2 inches wider than stock with the back pressure limiting bottom cut out 1 inch wider and taller than stock. I can now adjust the buffeting completely out or not as I wish along with most of the wind noise. I have NO back pressure towards the tank anymore either from 0 to 100 mph. Plus, as long as I stay above 70 mph I get very little moisture on me in the rain for hours of riding except for strong side wind days. As far as the custom manufacturers, try MCN magazine for their ratings but rely on this board for RT help with that. I once stopped at a cafe with a bunch of other riders coming back from Sturgis in the rain and one of them asked why my jacket was dry while they were all soaking dripping wet? I don't think they believed me when I told them I had rode the same route they had until one of them remembered them passing me about 60 miles back. Most of them were in for a long stay at the cafe since they had bandandas on their heads and no windshields at all. The small hail had beat up some of them pretty badly. I sort of enjoyed eating and leaving in the rain as if it was no big deal. Yes I am evil.

Yes some helmets are quieter than others but the right windshield negates this a lot so keep your helmet. My windshield can be adjusted to above my helmet down to below my chin level now. The right spot can be found in all situations except strong side winds. I typically adjust mine just below eye level because this allows my helmet top vents to work better in the hot weather. In cold weather I use whatever height above my eyes that keeps me warmer. Some other things you might watch for on our model of bike: too long side stand, too small a foot on the side stand, no HID light on low beam, horns not very loud. I took a ~1/4" off the side stand and welded on a ~2-1/4"x 3" foot to the stand, added HID low beams, and tried Stebel horns which were louder but lasted less than a year, try Fiamms. While I am getting too old to handle this kind of weight anymore I am so attached to the bike after 110,000 plus miles I keep putting off selling it. Enjoy! Every friend I have has gone through multiple bikes with a lot less mileage in total for ALL of them added together ??? I think my bike looks and performs better than theirs overall even if some can accelerate at tremendous rates and go 170 mph!

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Great advice everyone. I'm hoping the winter bike show in Hartford CT. will have some examples for me to look at and compare. It looks like I'll need a battery first...


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