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Garmin Nuvi Setup for 2011 R1200 RT

Michael B

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I am considering putting a Garmin Nuvi on my 2011 BMW R1200 RT and would appreciate your suggestions and advice on how to set it up on my RT...things such as:


1. Power plug: I think there is supposed to be a power plug just below the handlebars in the upper fork area. Where EXACTLY is this supposed plug? I've looked there with a flashlight and there are a number of possibilities.


2. Connector: What kind of connector goes into the power plug and then to the Garmin Nuvi? Where does one get this connector?


3. Mount: I once saw a GPS mount on the internet that bolted to the two lower of the four bolts of the handlebar hub just below the instrument cluster, but can't remember where I saw it. Where did this mount come from and is there a better one available?


4. GPS Holder for the Mount: Where does one buy the GPS cradle that attaches to the mount?


5. Powerlet plug: Is it smarter to simply run the GPS from the mount by plugging it into the Powerlet plug on the fearing?


Anything I forgot? I know the Nuvi is for autos and not bikes...the Zumo is just too much money, even for Santa.


I appreciate your input...thanks!

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Not what you want to hear but: Nuvi screens are designed for the relative low-light environment of a car's interior, not direct sun. You won't be able to see much on the screen. I once tried walking around outside with a Nuvi in my hand and couldn't see a bloody thing. And, obviously, they're not waterproof, nor designed to be used with gloves on. To my mind, a used GPS designed for moto use would be a much better choice than a Nuvi.

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I use an old Nuvi 200 on the bike. I carry a small zip lock baggie with me. When it starts raining i stop and put the ziplock over the device. Hasnt hurt it yet.

The mount yiu are talking about sounds like the ram mount i have. Rammount.com i beleive is where i got it. Steps on the web site lead you through ordering the right parts for your bike and device.

As for the glare. My son n law runs a sign business. He brought me a sheet of stuff like you use for a screen save on a touxh screen tablet. It is non glare. I just cut out a section that was a close fit then trimed it down, carefully, with an exacto knife after i put it on the screen.

The garmin will fit in the cradle with the ziplock bag closed over it. I punched a small hole to run the power wire through. Its worked fine for me and since this was an old device i had sitting around there was no cost except the mount (about 30 bucks i think) and the ziplock which was in the kitchen cabinet.

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of course my 200 series is not bluetooth. I just turn the volume up about 3/4 and i csn here it just fine. Most riders within a few bike of me say they can here it also.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I use a NUVI as well, with no water issues on my RT. Do be aware that MOST of the newer NUVI's with bluetooth have reduced conectivity... which excludes most if not all motorcycle headsets...

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if you don't yet have the nuvi - look at the 500 and 550 units. they're waterproof, have various walk, drive, bike modes, etc. and they're still less money than the moto units.


I put mine on with a ram mount. been all over the US with it. two thumbs up.






+1 for the Nuvi 550! Have used it for over 3 years on my 1150GS and now on my 1200GSA. Great unit and totally waterproof! AND ... I only every run on battery power. The battery is rated at 8 hours ... I constantly get 6+ hours out of it and have 2 spares I carry. They pop out and in .. takes about 30 seconds to change batteries. Then each night I just recharge then in the unit. I think I paid about $230 for the 550 and about $20 each for the batteries on Amazon. Good luck!

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+2 for Nuvi 500/550... Used one for a few years till I got my Zumo 660. It works fine, accepts 10 Custom Routes and is totally waterproof. All NUVIs' recalculate all custom routes, but if you create them properly they will hold "true".. just use enough shaping points.

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