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bmwmoa site


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It was flagged and I presume the threat was real, as it was widely reported across multiple antivirus programs and browsers.


It was donw for a while as they were also converting to a later version of forum software.


As of this time I'm not seeing any virus flagging; haven't for a couple of days.



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Seen the flag

But hasn't been there for a few days.


Well it nailed me! Two days and $300 to get it out of my computer. Wish I would have noticed the flag. At least that's where I thought I got it. Anyone else? Norton did not catch it. Trojan like I was told.



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Kaspersky did it's job for me - both with the Flea Market and then the next day on the Forum as it migrated there...


At this point in time, the Forum is up, but the Flea Market is still out ("Not Found").

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In my case it was Google Chrome that caught it. I think that was back on Sunday.


The flea market is down because it was a separate software package from the main forum and has yet to be re-integrated into the new forum software.



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In my case it was Google Chrome that caught it. I think that was back on Sunday.


The flea market is down because it was a separate software package from the main forum and has yet to be re-integrated into the new forum software.




+1 for Google Chrome!

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I was getting all kinds of warnings and a blocked Trojan last week. The admins took down the site and installed a slightly updated version of the software. When the site came back, I was getting different, more general, warnings about the site from FoxFire and Google(?). This continued for a couple days until I cleared my browser cache. No warnings since...

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Paul In Australia
Yep flagged just now by Kasparsky and Chrome... If it worked for you, you better check your virus software....


It's baaaaaak !!!!


It is fine on Mac. Clear your browser cache.


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Buy a Mac


:D My wife just finished getting 2 viruses out of her Mac! So the thinking that Mac's are not susceptible to viruses is ... well urban legend. Have 2 buddies whose Mac's were also hit by e-mail bugs.



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Paul In Australia
Buy a Mac


:D My wife just finished getting 2 viruses out of her Mac! So the thinking that Mac's are not susceptible to viruses is ... well urban legend. Have 2 buddies whose Mac's were also hit by e-mail bugs.




I have had a whole office of Macs for years and have never had any down time due to virus. We DO NOT use any microsoft software and that is the difference I think. Anyway I am using BMWMOA without any flags.



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There are 2 main reasons Mac's "users" seem to be less vulnerable:

1) Most viruses and malware software is written for the majority, Microsoft PC's.

2) Mac users tend to be more computer use savvy, more cautious.


No problems here on BMWMOA, but I have not visited their website in the past couple of months, that is until this thread peaked my interest.



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There are 2 main reasons Mac's "users" seem to be less vulnerable:

1) Most viruses and malware software is written for the majority, Microsoft PC's.

2) Mac users tend to be more computer use savvy, more cautious....


I would certainly agree with the first reason, but the second reason just goes "whoosh!", right over my head.


Most Mac users I know view the thing as an appliance, have no idea what's under the hood, and couldn't (nor would they want to) fix a problem. The "Genius Bar" concept seems to be thriving for Mac users for that reason. I'm also not sure what 'more cautious' means in this context.


Were Mac users similar to Linux users (upon which the Mac OS is based), then I might agree that they tend to be more savvy. Especially if they know what "terminal" and "sudo" mean ;^)...



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Paul In Australia


Mac osx is not based on linux.

Mac and linux share a heritage of unix, but both use different versions from the other.

And i agree mac users are not more savey but .....tend to be a bit ......some are a bit more involved.

Mac viruses are very rare and usually very well pre published

As i said i have about 30 macs in the office. Never had a issue.




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Your experience is what it is but I wouldn't get too complacent about it. Macs are plenty vulnerable and I encounter potential attacks periodically with mine. I wouldn't run a Mac without some basic A/V protection.


I also use a variety of Microsoft OS from XP onward and with an aim to keeping security stuff simple use Microsoft Security Essentials because its effectively enough, free and has fast automatic upgrades, unlike some of the others which are system hogs for no better performance. It has flagged all the various problems with the BMWMOA website including identifying the latest js variant.


In the end and almost always ignored is sticking to the rules of good computing habits, esp. re web use. Many, possibly most, victims have violated 1 or more. For me its not to hard and it started with junk mail- I simply destroy anything I don't expect without ever paying it any attention.

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Your experience is what it is but I wouldn't get too complacent about it. Macs are plenty vulnerable and I encounter potential attacks periodically with mine. I wouldn't run a Mac without some basic A/V protection.


I also use a variety of Microsoft OS from XP onward and with an aim to keeping security stuff simple use Microsoft Security Essentials because its effectively enough, free and has fast automatic upgrades, unlike some of the others which are system hogs for no better performance. It has flagged all the various problems with the BMWMOA website including identifying the latest js variant.


In the end and almost always ignored is sticking to the rules of good computing habits, esp. re web use. Many, possibly most, victims have violated 1 or more. For me its not to hard and it started with junk mail- I simply destroy anything I don't expect without ever paying it any attention.


+1 .... I think when Macs were much less popular they were less vulnerable ... however, today they are quite common and hence the virus makers see Macs as another challenge. Have seen too many friends who are Mac users get infected. Better get your Mac "Flu Shot"

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Paul In Australia

Hi Tom

Are u a Linux user. We dont have that many down here. How do u like it. In a previous life spentb a long time on SCO unix but moved applications to Mac due to a time in ad industry. Never looked back since Mac. These days i enjoy pressing an app rather than writing script commands.

Actually i really prefer riding my bike.

Best regards


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Hi Paul -


Linux Lite. A long time ago I tried Red Hat, but later changed to Ubuntu.


I have always had an Ubuntu box around to use as my personal computer.


For work I have to have a Windows machine; currently trying out Windows 8.



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