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Zumo mount will not release the Zumo


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My Zumo mount gets "stuck", the latch will not release the GPS to allow me to remove it from the bike. On the right side (viewed from the bike saddle) is a tiny screw that does not have a normal slotted screw or philips head. This screw when completely unscrewed does allow the GPS to be removed. Over time it tends to screw itself into the mount. Is this some sort of locking mechanism? If so does it require a special tool to loosen it, or am I way off base here?

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Yes, it takes a special tool. That tool comes with a new zumo but can be made by taking a small screwdriver and cutting a slot in the middle. Those screwdrivers are also available to buy but not normally found at the hardware store. They have a specific name but I dont' know it.

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I'm assuming your talking about a Zumo 550 or similar. The tiny screw is a security device. It does require a special tool to loosen it. You do not remove it, just loosen. The tool is supplied with the Zumo at time of purchase. There was a person selling a replacement screw that can be operated with just your fingers. But by doing so the security feature is gone.

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Morning renopat


That stock security screw is s REAL PAIN IN THE A$$. As you have found it tends to screw itself in while riding, always needing a tool to remove is a poor answer.


If you ride long enough with the screw not tightened or removed the GPS will eventually pop out of the cradle when hitting a large bump or chatter-bump road surface.


There are a couple of good work-arounds.


One is to just remove the screw, then drill a small hole in the latch plate & a small hole in the base mount, then add an over-center spring to hold the latch SECURELY down until you manually lift it to remove the GPS.


Or a simpler way that works great is to just add a knurled longer security screw that you don't need a tool for. I used to make those knurled taller security screws but haven't made any in years.

You can still buy a very similar to what I used to make at --




Those seem to work just fine & make life a LOT easier.


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I have been using the wobble thumb screw on mine. I take it off the bike when away, so I am less worried about theft security than bouncing off the bike. It works well. Easy to take off by hand.


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Thanks for the thread on this. I just lost mine (popped off in the driveway and promptly bounced into the grass)so I was wondering if the lid would just keep it on, but others have said a big bump might cause the 550 to bounce out... I wonder if a self tapping screw would do the trick. I looked on Tourtech and the screw would be $21.00 including shipping..... on principle I can't do that.

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search this site. I bought mine from somebody on this site a few years ago. I think it was 2 for $10 including shipping. I would offer you my second one, but I gave it away. Be careful about messing up the mount with an oversize or self tapping screw...the mount is expensive.

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Nice n Easy Rider
I looked on Tourtech and the screw would be $21.00 including shipping..... on principle I can't do that.

And how much is your GPS worth to you? Just saying...

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Thank you guys for all the good info. I must have overlooked the security screw tool when I received the Zumo and mount a few years ago.

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I have lost 3 zumo screws over the years. I have a strip of velcro stuck beween the tech mount and the zumo cradle and the opposite piece of velcro on the flip part of the mount. This keeps the zumo in place and it's easy to use. The same velcro has been there for about 2 years.

The security screw is a nice idea, but too annoying to use.

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I have lost 3 zumo screws over the years. I have a strip of velcro stuck beween the tech mount and the zumo cradle and the opposite piece of velcro on the flip part of the mount. This keeps the zumo in place and it's easy to use. The same velcro has been there for about 2 years.

The security screw is a nice idea, but too annoying to use.


I liked the security screw because I felt that it was enough to prevent someone from grabbing the thing when I ran into a convenience store for a pit stop. I wish my Zumo 220 had it.

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I haven't used any screw for about 70,000 miles and never had a problem with the Zumo 550 getting loose...now I am getting worried!

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I got a replacement for the special screwdriver from Amazon for about $6, stuck it on my key ring so it's always with the bike and then found the one I lost in the washing machine filter :)


The security screw is a PITA when you're cold or on the clock. The non-security screw is also non-secure -- I had one on my 2nd Zumo and it went flying Saturday when I flipped the locking lever up to take the unit off the bike.

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The security screw is a PITA when you're cold or on the clock. The non-security screw is also non-secure -- I had one on my 2nd Zumo and it went flying Saturday when I flipped the locking lever up to take the unit off the bike.


Afternoon Jim


That security screw is a joke anyhow as a good grasp on the GPS can just break the plastic mount off. It is more to keep the handle down so it doesn't pop open than any security it offers.


If you don't want to ever again mess with that darn factory screw or even a knurled aftermarket one than just add a tension spring between the handle & the base.


That spring placement does make a difference though. Just about anywhere on the front edge of the handle will keep the handle pulled down no matter what but that will probably require two hands to get the GPS off-&-on as the latch won't stay up by itself.


With proper spring placement the spring can be placed so with the handle down the spring pulls down on the latch handle but with the handle lifted the spring goes over center & the latch will stay open until you manually snap it down.

This is a great addition if a person is off & on the bike a lot & takes the GPS with them at each get off.


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A spring sounds pretty cool. Not sure I am up to finding one, sizing it, and attaching it. But it did make me think about using a bit of (ugh) Velcro to try and keep that thing down where it is supposed to be. At least it won't stick to anything else.

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