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anyone use a powerlet controller with Gerbing liners


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Hello all I am thinking about a new controller. My dual controller stops working when I plug into one of the two leads. The black circuit seems ok the white tagged circuit gives immediate red light when I plug into it? Appears I have half operable controller. Doesn't matter what is plugged in. Jacket or pants work seperately when plugged into black circuit. This is second gerbing controller that went bad on me although I use it a lot. I suspect it is at least 2 years old?


I am thinking about switching to powerlet? Just curious it anyone has run gerbing liners with a powerlet controller. I like the concept of the remote?


Thanks appreciate any thoughts




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Afternoon John


Have you called Gerbings? They have a pretty good warranty on their electrical stuff. The official warranty is 3 years but the group I ride with are heavy Gerbings users & they have had good luck with getting about anything repaired.


Have you also tried the re-set?-- Probably won't help but worth a try.


Re-Set faulty state Turn both Switches to Off Turn both switches to On Flashing Yellow or Solid LED= All Ok


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Thanks yes I did reset it no help? Put a meter on bad lead it the white tagged lead is shorted. I guess I can send it back to Gerbing after my cold riding season is over.

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Thanks Damien.. Do you use the warmnsafe controller with Gerbing liners? It looks just like Powerlet one? I personally never heard of warm and safe? I am some what new to using heated stuff. Got a heated jacket liner 3 years ago added pants the following.




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I do. I bought a Warm and Safe jacket several years ago too, but I didn't think it heated as evenly as the Gerbings. I bought a Gerbings Microwire when they came out and I used it with the controller I shared with you. Great combination. I think Mike Coan has probably improved his jackets by now based upon feedback, but I am happy with my Gerbings.


Please let me know if there is any other information that I can share with you.



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Thanks Damien


I sent gerbing an email. I am curiouus to see what they say? I don't want to go with out a controller even if they are willing to fix it? I suspect I have a couple weeks of coldweather riding left this spring? Where do you keep the wireless? I was thinking Velcro to top. Clutch reservoir on my RT.



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I have the same controller that I'm using with my Gerbings liner. Using a solder iron I made two holes in my tank bag for the controller posts to extend through then remounted the knobs. Works great when taking the tank bag into the hotel and such but also allows me to pull the rain cover over it while riding if needed.

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Thanks I had mounted a heavy duty cell phone case to my tank bag mount to hold my gerbing dual wired controller. This is a much smaller unit so not sure guess got to see it to up close. Sure do appreiciate the ideas.



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Two answer the original question, yes I have a powerlet dual controller with my Gerbings. It works fine, I've never had a problem out of it.




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Thanks Alan,


I was origionally concerned with compatability between heat gear companies? It sure appears not to be an issue. Powerlet and Warm and Safe also look identical? I guess one copied the other? Wonder why Gerbing has no wireless controller?


Gerbing is willing to repair or replace my wired controller under their 3 year warranty. If I was not such a daily riding fanatic I would be set! Free of charge other than return shipping and turn over time? I guess I will have a good dual backup when it returns...



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I've used the WarmNSafe remote velcroed UNDER a shelf on the dash of my RT since they were first marketed. Includes use in some serious frog chokers. No problems. The controller has O rings on the knob shafts as well as in the lid.


Do take a look at the latest version that can be powered by bike juice rather than a battery. Could save you a battery change in the controller (2032) though has the downside that if you want to move it to another bike, that bike will need the wiring connector also. The new version comes with all needed parts, including 2 harnesses so if you already have one for your jacket, it could serve as the extra for a second bike..


Gerbings has historically had good service but has had a run of quality problems with jackets and controllers in the past couple years (the inevitable result of Chinese sourcing if you can't afford you own on site oversite). Also, a bunch of issues related to a planned move to NC and recapitalization more recently. I hope the latter have been fixed- I'm still runnnig an older Gerbings with my WarmNsafe jacket and controllers on the multiple bikes I ride..

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I put my Gebrings controller in my tank bag along with my iPhone charger. Just one power wire out of the bag to the SAE plug that I use for the battery charger when I get home. Works well, tidy, shielded from rain.

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Peter Parts

I find the time-constant on heated clothing so long that I get along just fine with a basic on-off switch. No one is doing anything fancy (or driving all too long) during weather that needs electric heat (below say 30F if you are wearing a well-designed winter jacket) so no big mental burden to switch on or off every 10 minutes.


Might be more effort to fool with a variable control to heat up quickly and then track your need for heat up and down.


Some day I'll make me a good connector system that jerks out without breaking when you forget it while dismounting.



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No one is doing anything fancy (or driving all too long) during weather that needs electric heat
Well when I went to the IBA Pizza Party in Jax a couple weeks ago it dropped into the 30s when I was in Jersey and by the time I hit VA it was in the 20s...I was very glad not to need to turn my gear on/off every few minutes. On the way back hit the same cold all the way from VA to CT. Having a controller (actually a dual - I have heated gloves too) made the better part of a thousand miles not nearly as miserable as it could have been.
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Got the Warm and Safe controller yesterday. Couldnt be happier mounted it on top of radio volume control with high strength velco. So much cleaner of a set up than the wired setup.


I like the fact that the led only lights on contoller changes instead of constantly strobe effect as with my gerbing controller.


Thanks Damien great idea! Still will have Gerbing controller as a back up they are going to either repair or replace it. They did definately honor their warantee.




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