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Motorcycle communication systems


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Does anyone have personal experience with motorcycle communication systems capable of rider to pillion and bike to bike communication, as well as blue tooth for GPS, iPod and phone? I have been looking at Sena and Scala for my late 2001 R1150RT and would appreciate any comments on systems available.

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You might look at my mini-review of the Sena SR10 in the Product Review section of this forum which integrates bike to bike and other non-bluetooth accessories. I went with the Sena SMH10R headset as well. Although Rider to pillion communication is not something that I use, its a feature of the Sena headsets. So far, I've been happy.

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It depends on the type of riding you do.


For my needs, I don't want the hassel of worrying about charging wireless devices on long 3-5 week trips (camping in remote areas) so I've always used Autocom. Yes there is a wire but the systems are bullet proof and the audio clarity can't be beat.



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I'm a happy camper with Autocom. Have been for more than 7 years. Always works flawlessly once set up.

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+1 for Autocom. I am amused that people seem to be willing to give up clarity and ease of communication for the glitz of bluetooth.

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Autcom not portable from bike to bike so not useful if you own more than one- we've got 4.

Periodic problems with distribution and support in the US

Wires are a nuisance.


I've got no use for comms when I ride solo- long since decided I prefer to only see my GPS and avoid the distractions of music, etc. Comms are for riding safety with my riding partner, usually my SO on her R1100S.


Our Scala units last all day, even very long riding days, and can be recharged during lunch breaks or even on the bike overnight if you have an outlet- their batteries are so tiny the bike batteery alone works fine as a recharger. One can also use a wall charger if you stay in motels. There has been a lot of improvment in both battery life and charge speed in the current models compared tothe earliest ones of 5 years ago.


I ripped all the autocom wiring mess out of used K-GT I bought- a snakes nest of stuff- and threw it away. Could not even tell what it all was witrhout a couple hours of experimenting to figure out its unlabeled and junk install with all the coiled extra wire, etc..

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FWIW, top rating of BT systems swing back and forth between Scala and Sena. Either works well so check out specs for your own use and latest reviews on webbikeworld and other sites.


Scala stuff is compatiblewith Schuberth helmet built in systems, Sena not. Sena has some possible spec advantages that might be useful to some. Brands are NOT cross compatible so once you make your choice you're stuck- mix and match won't fly..

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+1 for Autocom. I am amused that people seem to be willing to give up clarity and ease of communication for the glitz of bluetooth.


I found no discernible difference in sound quality between our Autocom or Sena units. I know the Sena will go louder than the AC if needed. I also don't miss the ridiculous pricing AC used for even the simplest accessories. You would quite likely have found our "dismount wiring waltz" at a rest stop amusing. Our glizty BT setup no longer requires the dance.

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I switched from Autocom to Sena two years ago and have not regretted it. I only used the Autocom for rider-passenger and GPS. It worked quite well, but my wife hated the "plugging-in dance" when mounting. No question the Sena is much more convenient and while the sound quality is not quite up to the Autocom, it's surprisingly good. I, too, thought re-charging the headsets would be a pain, but it's not really, given we have to charge other stuff on the road too.

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Go with the Sena SMH10. You won't regret it. You can charge it while riding if you need to. Mine will usually last around ten hours of road travel.

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Autcom not portable from bike to bike so not useful if you own more than one- we've got 4....


Unless, of course, you can put your Autocom setup in your tank bag and can use the same tank bag on all your bikes. That's been my approach until recently. I use mine for GPS, radar, iPod and bike-to-bike (FRS). Although it seems that as time goes by, fewer and fewer people are set up for FRS bike-to-bike. It beats Bluetooth in a larger group because there's no limit on the number of participants. I haven't seen a Bluetooth setup yet that will let me connect all those things. Sena comes close, but their FRS interface box won't do stereo music. I like the iPod better than the GPS for music because I have a remote control for it on the handlebar, where I can quickly and safely pause the music when I need to (or skip tracks, adjust volume, etc., but being able to pause quickly is more important to me).

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I've got an Autocom still wired into the bike, don't use it anymore, prefer the wireless BT headsets. Had 2 Scala generations and both were just about as good as the Autocomm. Went to a Sena (my current setup) because the Sena has slightly better audio, additional volume and can be used while recharging.


I'd buy the Sena again. The other two not so much.

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I've recently purchased the new UClear200 units that is a Bluetooth comm headset device that doesn't use a boom mic. Still testing it in comparison to my Scala Q2, which I liked pretty well except for the nuisance mic boom. I met the President of the company 2 years ago at the Chicago IMS show and was impressed with his product. It can loop up to 9 cyclist...etc. Will be testing it on a fairly long ride to the Moonshine Lunch Run this next weekend with a riding buddy so I should have a chance to test it. Tried testing it with my wife on the passenger seat, but she gets frustrated too quickly with my new "toys" so that didn't last too long..


Here is their website: http://www.uclear-digital.com/index.php

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I was planning on getting a set this spring so I am very interested in what you have to say about the Uclear 200.

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Wires are a pain, having to remember to charge your helmet(s) is a pain. Trade offs, always the trade offs...


We’re still in the wired world for audio quality and reliability, but still, if I could find a wireless system that would do absolutely everything our Autocom wired system will do, I’d consider making the jump. It’s would be nice to de-clutter the bike of the meters and meters of wires that make up our current system. We just haven’t found such a thing yet.


I think the advice is to be very sure of the list of everything you want a system to do, and that it can, before making the wire/wireless decision.


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i was contemplating upgrading my autocom but at 400+ bucks? and the amount of time i actually use it, doesnt seem like the ends justify the means...may go for that sena unit though...160 bucks? that's it? cool! i have the Pro Comm 7 but its a bit dated and was considering the upgrade...autocom gives you 50 bucks for the old unit...big deal.

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I have a Starcom 1 Digital, got that after two other bluetooth set ups.

I will likely never go back to cableless again, no more worrying about batteries, interferrence weak signal and all the other crap that goes along with BT.

Once an intercom is installed on the bike you can wire in phone, GPS, music, bike to bike (I use motorola talk-abouts and easily get 4+ miles range in just about all terrain), weather service, radar detector, you name it. I can even set it so the spousal unit can listen to her own music while I enjoy something quality.

Bluetooth seems to be what everyone wants, it's the new shiney object, but IMO it isn't worth all the trouble and burden that goes along with it...forget to charge it one night and about an hour into the next day you're dead int eh water and back to basics. With the cable system, plug in, drive away and never worry.


Just my two cents


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Sorry Trav but, as you can see from the responses, this will be as difficult a choice as which oil to use and what color deer whistles you should mount. :grin:

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Just a note on charging (and this applies to the Sena units, as that's what I have). Charging really isn't a big deal. I've done four and five week road trips with my wife and we've never forgotten to charge our headsets. Moreover, with the Sena units, you can plug them into the bike and charge them as you ride, so I wouldn't let the charging question be a significant consideration (I'm saying this as someone who stays in motels; I never camp and never will, so I always have a place to charge electronics). Let's face it, for many of us now, a BT communicator is just another gizmo to add to the charging list, after smart phones, tablets and laptops.

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My deer whistles are "virtual" and work as well as any other type.


PS The only deer I've ever hit, ran into the side of our sailboat at 60 MPH, committing suicide. :dopeslap:

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Paul In Australia
I cant find a deer amywhere to whistle at in any colour




You don't have roo whistles? :/


Nope nor Koala whistles or great white whistles.... but...some "wolf whistles" have been heard for the girl next door.............

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Thank you to everyone who has responded to my query. Your comments have been very useful. You are correct Albert. I'll just have to make a decision and live with it.

Best wishes to you all.

Trav :grin:

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  • 5 weeks later...
I've recently purchased the new UClear200 units that is a Bluetooth comm headset device that doesn't use a boom mic. Still testing it in comparison to my Scala Q2, which I liked pretty well except for the nuisance mic boom. I met the President of the company 2 years ago at the Chicago IMS show and was impressed with his product. It can loop up to 9 cyclist...etc. Will be testing it on a fairly long ride to the Moonshine Lunch Run this next weekend with a riding buddy so I should have a chance to test it. Tried testing it with my wife on the passenger seat, but she gets frustrated too quickly with my new "toys" so that didn't last too long..


Here is their website: http://www.uclear-digital.com/index.php


Any updates?

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Actually got to test it some yesterday on my 250 mile round trip to Gateway BMW's open house in St. Louis (by the way I DID NOT win the early bird sweepstakes bike...) It was an EXTREMELY windy day so that didn't help any. For about the first hour we could hear each other pretty well and I was impressed. Then turned into the wind and it was harder to hear my riding partner. Had a phone call that was very clear, then another one later on that wasn't... I'm thinking that one of the speaker/microphones got pushed the wrong direction and caused an issue because early on it worked great. The Zumo 550 I could hear loud and clear, and the music from it was fine also. So I think I need to adjust things some more, but I'm getting a little tired of having to do that. I will say not having the mic in the way is very nice. The Cardo Scala Q2 was easier to adjust but was finicky in other ways, like not shutting off the mic because of wind noise.


Thanks for asking about the Uclear.... I'd forgotten that I'd promised to give feedback. I'm hanging in there on the UClear as it is has a lot of promise. Haven't tried it with a 3/4 helmet yet, that will be a real test for sure.

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I recently bought the Sena SMH10 and love it. I got the earbud connector in addition to the helmet speakers. The helmet speakers work well, but are tinny and you lose battery power, while the earbud attachment gives you great sound and blocks wind noise. Connecting to my android phone couldn't be easier! I get GPS prompts, make calls, listen to music and no wires.

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