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Fishing poles and tackle box

Sean Knight

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Sean Knight

Anyone figured out a way to carry one or two full size poles and small tackle box?

Most poles come apart in the middle but they still will not fit in the trunk.

Save the mini-pole answers. I know (hope) someone besides me has thought of this.


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Maybe get hold of a police style shotgun holster/bracket - or build something similar?

Perhaps a stupid idea, but carrying the rod sections vertically must be the best way, surely?





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That depends. For moto fishing my son and I use 6'6" rods. The tackle box is strapped to the tail behind the seat. My poles are strapped vertically to the side case brackets around the tag area. I am on a GSA so that would be a little different than an RT. We tried everything and settled on a vertical system. Stay below 13' and you will clear about everything.


Sorry, do not have a pic.



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Anyone figured out a way to carry one or two full size poles and small tackle box?


No, but you can carry plenty of dynamite in the saddleboxes. XD


Seriously, though, you might try making carriers with PVC pipe.

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Guest Kakugo

You can probably adapt this to your bike or be "freely inspired" by it.

I also vaguely remember a similar carrier which was designed to be attached to a motorcycle but I cannot remember exactly where I saw it (maybe in Japan in the '90s?).

Failing that you should be able to tie them securely to a small rack fitted on the top box.

As for tackle box... just pack everything in it inside small freezer bags, close it tightly with duct tape and tie it to the back seat with some bungee chords.

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My first pursuit would be a rod holder mounted vertically on the rear side of the pannier. You can make them out of PVC, like this guy, or a store-bought version would look nicer on your BMW. Use a little bungee or strap to tie them in place.

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Afternoon Sean


I can't help you on carrying full sized poles but I sometimes carry a collapsible pole & reel similar to this one (have had it for well over 35 years) & so far it has held up great.


I'm sure it is a different brand the one shown here & the label has been worn off years ago.




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Yep.....I take 6 1/2 foot to 7 foot rods about 250 miles using on simimlar to this http://www.basspro.com/Berkley-Tube-Rod-Holder/product/20678 The one I use has slots to let the reels go down further, but I don't carry my reels there, I have them in the top box.


I put them on the right side bag down low and use cords and 1 round of duct tape.


You look pretty stupid until you get close to the coast and then everybody smiles at you.... the tackle box is strapped to the pillion...the one thing I have master is how to get the fish home....so we just fry them and eat them there.

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I've found you can remove the seat, and replace it with a medium sized bag of balls (actually, I figured this out with a sack of potatoes). It's convenient, gets the job done, and also gives you that Harley experience for an afternoon, without spending a pile of money....

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re Golf Bags

I have seen several pix of Goldwings with a golf bag carrier in the rear. I think perhaps it attaches to a trailer hitch then is carried vertically.


Ok typed that in and did a moment of googling and it isn't a rare thing to have at all.


Here is one link to get you started.




I am troubled by this rear mount as you block your lights.


There is also several designs that mounts a golf bag where a saddlebag will go.


Good luck


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I put golf clubs in a tarvel bag.

Strap across passenger seat and saddlebags.

ut something under golf bag for rubbing saddlebags.

EZ to strap w/some frame loops and Rokstraps.

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