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TPMS Settings


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I looked into this at one time and the dealer told me it can be done either through the menu settings on the bike. They went on to say if you couldn't access the menu settings that they would be able to do it through their computer...

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Afternoon kgerry


You will have to talk to your dealer.


Your TPMS read out is definitely changeable from bars to PSI but I can't say if that is just a stand alone operation or (if) it will also require a complete dash re-program to miles per hour & miles traveled & all basic U.S. readings.


In any case it will take the dealer's computer & they will find the change option about 3 layers in.


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My guess is that the dealer can do it by hooking up to the computer and running through the menus. Canada uses the metric system and the USA and Canadian models are usually similar in every aspect except the miles vs kilometers and Fahrenheit vs Celsius. I know the dealer can switch over to a 24 hr clock from the 12 hr clock that comes per-programmed in the USA models.

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anyone know if this can be changed from Bar to PSI? bar means nothing to me....


FYI: 1 Bar = 14.5 psi


Although PSI readings are more fine in increments than BAR readings.

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Yes, it can be changed via the diagnostic kit the dealers use. The settings in the system are "world" settings - Litres, US gallons, Imperial gallons etc, & there are a series of "radio buttons" to select.

Bar to PSI, clock can be 12 or 24 hour format, indicator auto cancel interval can be extended ( pre TC the auto cancel can be turned off altogether ) Ambient Temp. shown as degrees C or F.

Some dealers either don't know about it, or don't want to go to the trouble of doing it, but once the bike is connected up at service time it really is a couple of seconds work.

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